Chapter 2 your first entrance

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(This takes place before season 1. When your in middle school 12 years old in 7th grade. H/C= hair color, E/C= eye color, L/N= last name)

You keep your reputation as someone who doesn't give a fuck about what people think. Or at least that's what you want people to see. Getting in trouble every day not really caring about your grades because of what's going on at home.

(Eddie's pov)

"Hey freak when are you going to learn how to shut up" Jason yells at me. He's always in my face i'm not sure why he cares so much about what i do. I don't say anything back i mean what is there to say. Jason steps closer grabbing the collar of my shirt getting in my face. But before anything can happen i hear someone yell from behind me. "Hey fuck face are you Jason Carver" ? yells over the crowd. I turn around to see some with beautiful H/C and big bright yet angry E/C eyes.

Jason let's me go and turns to see this person getting throw the crowd. "Yeah what's it to you?" Jason asked the person. "You know Harley L/N" the person asks. "Maybe who cares she's a little bitch anyways, snitching on me during class" Jason replied. This only seemed to make the mysterious person even more mad. "You think it was funny to pore milk on her during lunch and make her cry?" They ask. "Honestly who care she got what she deserved" he paused then said "who are you anyway". Right after he finished his sentence they took action at his rudeness. Fed up with him they kick him in the nuts, in front of everyone. Which made Jason fall to the ground in pain.

Even though he was laying on the floor in pain they decided to answer his question. Stepping forward grabbing his caller making him look at them. They leaned forward making sure he could hear them. "I'm Y/N. Im Harleys older sibling and if i every see you fucking with her again i'll fuck you up. Got it?" Y/N said. So this is the Y/N people have been talking about. I thought to myself. Lots of rumors but they're even more intimidating in person. After saying what needed to be said. They stepped away and let Jason lying there.

~ Sorry if the fighting was to graphic but i hope you liked Eddie's first impression of you and meeting one of your younger siblings ~

Life in Hawkins Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora