The Future?

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Being a teenager, everyone is pressuring you to make these huge decisions about your future. Personally, I have no idea what in going to do ten years from now, or one year, or even tomorrow. I have no clue. I honestly don't want to know right now. Right now, I love where I am in life right now. I don't want to constantly be thinking about the future. If I'm constantly concerned with tomorrow, how can I enjoy today?

I have considered my options for the future though. Orthodontist, musician, all things that require lots of extra schooling or talent or knowledge. What I'd love most of all would be a person everyone loves. A role model. I want to be who I am. I'm a real person. I'm not perfect, I'm not skinny. I'd love to inspire bigger girl to embrace who you are. And people who have things that they regret in their past to embrace those things because if they hadn't have happened, they wouldn't be who they are now. I am not perfect. But I am real. I'm human. I want to inspire people. I wanna be a role model. I don't want to just go through life, I want to live it. I want to change people's lives. I know on here I've had someone say I was like their idol and when I read that comment, I nearly broke down in tears. That's all I hope for is to make a difference in one persons life. I'm not saying I want people to idolize me, I'm just saying I want people to know who I am so I can make a difference to at least one person. I know by saying I want people to know who I am, I sound like all I want is fame. I don't want Kardashian fame. I want Markiplier fame. He makes people laugh and he inspires people, gets them out of dark places. I want to be like that. I've always wanted to make a difference in this world, to leave my Mark long after I'm gone. I just never knew how, and now I've figured it out and that's what I'm trying to do, one step at a time.

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