What happened

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School is becoming a place I really don't like that much.The only friends I have are the ones Marilia didn't talk to which is mainly Dena and Tucker. Tucker said he doesn't even like Marilia he only talked to her for me, well ain't he a sweet heart. Dena just wants to fight her but won't cause of the stuff she got into with Marilia's mom who to me don't know that her daughter lies about a lot of things , but to be honest what mother wouldn't for me that's not going to happen.

What happen between me and Marilia was something that I wish could go back in time and beat the shit out of her for. What happen was that Dena told me that Marilia said to my cousin something she has no rights lieing over.
She said that I said that I was too soft to say to her, my cousin, that she needs to leave the guy she is with cause he trying to cheat on her with Dena. The thing that makes me mad the most is my cousin believed it, which to me she shouldn't have cause Johnson hates Dena's guts.

So yeah she thinks she won the this issue but man she might want to think about that.

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