chapter twenty-five

Start from the beginning

I hear Noah snicker behind me, and Sutherland jolts away from her.

"Noah," Sutherland approaches him with his arms stretched to his sides. The girl he was with is momentarily forgotten as he sweeps Noah into a hug, "When did you get in, man?"

"This afternoon," Noah claps Sutherland on his back before drawing away, "I'm only staying until tomorrow."

"Damn, can I get you anything to drink?"

Noah shakes his head. His brown hair falls over his forehead as scruff spots his jaw, "Nah, I'm good. I shouldn't. But don't let me keep you. You seemed busy. I didn't mean to interrupt."

Sutherland glances over his shoulder and shoots her a wicked smirk. She hides her grin behind her drink. "I'll be with you in two minutes, sweetheart." She nods in response before Sutherland turns back towards us, "Alright, so let me guess your costumes." His dark eyes gleam as they roam over Noah first, "Let me guess you didn't have time to plan anything out, so you just came as a hockey player."

Noah winces with a playful smile tugging his lips. One hand scratches his neck while the other curls around Mia's waist, "You got me." He's wearing his old UNC hockey jersey and joggers. Simple and efficient.

Sutherland turns to Mia, "Are you repeating costumes?"

Mia blushes, glancing down at her Purge costume from last year. I'm surprised he remembered what we wore last year; I didn't think it was that memorable. It seems like Mia's thinking along the same lines because she quirks a brow and leans closer to Noah before asking Sutherland, "I didn't think anyone would notice. How did you?"

Sutherland chuckles, displaying his large white teeth, "I'm just observant."

Mia snickers, "Well, I couldn't think of anything, so I thought, why not recycle the costume."

"Smart," he taps his temples before turning to me, scanning my two-piece green dress. It's the same dress I wore in Vegas last Spring when we went clubbing, and I paired it with some white sneakers this time. My hair is styled back into a tight knot with a few strands framing my face in makeshift curtain bangs.

I was going to come as Michael Scott to keep up with The Office theme; I would have at least been warmer. But when I saw the dress in the back of my closet, something within my chest tugged at me to wear it. And so, an hour before we set to leave, I removed my makeup for Michael, reapplied green eyeshadow and makeup, struggled with my hair, and pulled on the dress.

"Tinkerbell?" I nod, cracking open the bottle in my hand and opening it into an empty cup. "Somehow, that seems fitting."

I arch a brow curiously, "How?"

"Feisty and hot-tempered in an otherwise unsuspecting body," he chuckles, "Yeah, you're Tinkerbell reincarnated."

I can't help but laugh at the insinuation. I guess the costume is fitting.

I take the opportunity to pretend to scan his costume despite already knowing what he is.

"Rick?" I feign ignorance as I lift the cup to my lips.

His eyes flash, "Yep."

"Is there a Morty to go along with the ensemble?" I keenly await his response as Noah and Mia walk back out, disappearing into the living room to dance. I keep an eye out so I don't lose them, although we already promised each other that we would all leave together, no matter how long it'll be. I don't plan to stay late, ruin Noah and Mia's night and have them sleep in with what little time they have together.

He lets out a frustrated sigh but doesn't bother to glance around, "There should be."

My chest clenches and I try not to dissect it too much, "That sounds ominous."

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