"I don't know what you were thinking. If you boy's are not willing to take this class seriously, perhaps you would benefit from a few days in detention. As for the content of the one I found, well that's an entirely different story." Mr. Peterson began.

"I wasn't writing any notes, I swear!" Says Blane.

"No, it wasn't him. The note just said it was from Blane. But he wasn't the one throwing them" I say in defence of this poor guy who also got framed.

"Dylan, I've heard enough. I will see you both in detention tonight." He says.

My jaw drops. The bell rings, signaling that my next class is already starting. Blane storms out of the room and I follow.

Great, detention on the first day and now I'm going to be late. I growl.

I rush through the halls, searching for my next class. It turns out to be practically on the other side of the school. The teacher forgives the lateness, since it's my first day. Thank goodness, she is actually reasonable.

After sitting through a few more classes, Lunch time starts. It's nice out so a decide to have lunch outside.

I havn't really met anybody. There's a few groups sitting on benches outside the doors. I head for a tree and sit, leaning against it in it's cool shade. I unzip my backpack and pull out a sandwich I packed myself.

Afew minutes pass and a girl comes outside. She sits down under a tree a few feet away from mine.

Her whispy brown curls frame her thin, pale face. She's wearing rectangular glasses. She opens a book and starts reading.

I lean back against the tree and relax. A warm breeze drifts through the air. Birds chirp in the trees. The smell of the ocean is eminently near. Ahh.

 About that detention. There is no way I'll be showing up to that. I have to pick up Lauren at three thirty sharp. I just barley have enough time to walk to her school as it is.

I run my hands through my hair and tug on it.

This day couldn't be going any worse.

I got to my next class early, long before the bell rang. I hadn't seen that kid from first period all day but when I did he would sure be getting a piece of my mind.

The last few periods were uneventfully. I liked it that way. Just four more weeks and it would be summer. I would just have to wait it out.

The bell rang signaling the end of the day. I stepped into the hall and came face to face with Mr. (you guessed it) Peterson. I swallowed.

"Dylan, I don't believe I told you where detention was. let me show you to the room." He said.

I was screwed. I followed him down the hall and into a classroom where the real Blane was already waiting. He glared at me when I walked in.

There was an older gentleman sitting at the front of the room to monitor the kids. There was one other boy in the room who I didn't know. He wore a black t-shirt with some stylized image of a skull on it.

I took a seat next to the Blane guy.

"Sorry man," I mumbled as I sat down.

"No talking" The teacher at the front of the room grumbled.

I sighed. I was stuck here now. Lauren would be waiting, wondering where the hell I was.

I frowned.

Every minute seemed to last eternity. Finally a half an hour went by and the teacher at the front of the room let us out.

Blane grabbed his bag and rushed out the door.

I sped out after him and tried to catch up with him in the hallway.

"Hey! Blane? Look I'm really sorry. I wasn't trying to blame you, it's just the note that I got said it was from Blane" I explain, hoping he isn't mad.

"It's cool man. Danny does shit like that." He says with a tone of annoyance.

"Danny? So that's his name." I grit my teeth.

"Ya, the class trouble maker." He says.

We reach the end of the hall and go our separate ways.

I push through the front doors and book it down the street. I run as fast as I can for as long as I can. By the time I reach Lauren's primary school, I'm at a steady jog.

She's waiting in front of the school.

"Dill! what took you so long?" She moans.

I burry my face in my hands, "I- um,"

If I told her I had detention I knew it would get around to my dad.

"I had to stay late to take a note." I lie.

"Dill, please don't be late tomorrow." She begs.

"I won't, I promise" I assure her.

We walk home together, past the beach that is now packed with people.

I spot a few familiar faces from school. The beach must be a pretty popular hangout. Waves crash on the shore and there are even some people surfing. I've always wanted to try that.

When we get home, I go into the kitchen and start making up something to eat.

I turn on the stove and boil some water to make K.D.

As I wait for it to cook, I sit down at the kitchen table. There's a big window that looks out onto our back yard... or should I say ocean.

I watch, memorized as the waves curl, one after the other. I remember that sound.

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