"So who you cleaning for then?" Jessie asks me.

"Some guy called Jason Isaacs!" I said as I sip my vodka & orange juice.

"NO WAY!!!!" Emily gasped.

"What?" I ask. The girls looked at Emily to wonder why she was so shocked.

"He's a famous actor!!!" She says before she searches for him on her phone to show us.

"Look.." she shows us. I then recognised him from the Harry Potter films.

"No way that's the guy from Harry Potter.. Lucius isn't it?" I ask the girls.

"Oh god yeah he played Draco's dad!!" Abbie says remembering him.

"He's not bad looking either.." Poppy says checking him out. We all laugh at her but as I looked at pictures of him on Google I thought the same, he is quite dishy actually.

"I bet the house is HUGE, you'll be stinking rich soon enough Millie!" Abbie says teasingly.

"Imagine!" I chuckled.

"Oh you have to keep us updated on this Millie!" Poppy begs.

"Of course I will, it's in London though I may have to move.." I say. They all go quiet.

"Good for you, don't you worry we will always visit you, London isn't that far away!" Jessie says.

"Yes we will visit every week or fortnightly for drinks, maybe find a new pub to drink in!" Poppy says.

"Yes sounds good!!" Abbie says.

"Well here's to Millie, may she get this job and become stinking rich!!" Jessie says raising her glass. We all join in.

"TO MILLIEEEE!!!" They shout as we clink our glasses.

After a few rounds of drinks and chatting about Jason mainly them winding me up about me getting in his bed I decided to call it a night as I had an early train tomorrow.

I hug and kiss them goodbye and promised to call them once I get there and to let them know what happens.

In the morning I got up nice and early for once, being unemployed you don't tend to get up until after 10am so this was a change. I got myself ready in smart clothes suitable for the interview and headed for the train.

I managed to get myself a sandwich and a drink for the journey although I'm not usually one to eat in the morning but I forced myself as I felt sick from the nerves.

As I arrived I got a taxi to the address Jason gave me not aware of how far it was from the station but luckily the man was nice and knocked it off so I didn't have to pay the whole fare. Maybe he knew Jason from the address I thought to myself.

I rang the buzzer and waited. 

"Hello The Isaacs residence how may I help you?" The lady spoke.

"Um hi I'm Millie I'm looking for Jason I applied for the cleaning job" I say to her politely.

"Oh yes.. I'll let you in" she says.

She comes to the door to let me in and I recognised her immediately — it was his wife.

"Hello dear I'm Emma Jason's wife.. do come in!" She says politely giving me a slight smile.

She escorts me to their study room where Jason was at his computer. I noticed his wife had red eyes, I didn't assume anything but she had either been crying or has bad hay fever.

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