When Did You Become A Domesticated House Wife?

Start from the beginning

" My head is killing me and I know yours is too , so let's have some breakfast together, please ? I'll even cook something for you so you don't have to eat Chet's shitty hotel food that he cooked and ignore Chet's complaints of me wasting his supply." I plead , he takes his head out of the pillow and looks me in my eyes.

" I don't want to hurt you feelings but your cooking is shit." I frown and glare at him " I got to work on my cooking during our 3 years in the 60's , cooked for you mostly but you never ate it cause you were always 'to busy' but people in the cult loved it but maybe they were just trying to stroke my ego . " I think about all the food that I cooked trying to make Klaus eat it but he always denied it or said he'll eat it later.

" Dave and his uncle seemed to enjoy it also and once Dave's uncle found out I could cook I had to do it every night or we'd go out to the diner which I hated going to cause I always got weird looks. " I shake my head at the thought and put a hand on Klaus's arm .

" Please please pleeaaaasssseeee let me cook for you ! If it's ass you can throw it away or I'll eat it instead, just let me cook for you finally ! " as I begged, Klaus's mouth turned into a big smile and he rolls his eyes " Okay, okay I'll try your cooking ! But only because you're acting so cute." I feel my cheeks warm up and push his head " Shut up , idiot." He laughs and I smile at him as I get up off the bed.

" I'll be back and I'll bring the food to you so stay here ! " I cap my hands together happily and quickly leave the room so I can make breakfast for Klaus.


"Good morning Diego, would you like me to make you some breakfast?" I say happily " Have you seen Stan? " he asks firmly " Of course I can make you some scrambled eggs with a bits of bacon and cheese in it , would you like anything to drink?" I joke with a smile on my face, he glares and asks me again " Have you seen Stan." My smile fades and I look up at Diego , I sigh.

" No, I haven't . When Lila woke me up banging on the door asking me if I had seen him I hadn't . So the words of the day is 'No, I haven't.'" I say looking back down at the food I'm cooking, I hear him groan and mumble something angrily to himself " Come take a seat Papa bear, I'm sure you need a break and something to eat ." " No, I need to find my idiot son and make sure he's -" " Diego, please , take a seat .  Lila literally woke me up at 7 in the morning asking if I have seen him , it took me about a hour and...." I look at the clock on the wall and see it's 9:30 , damn sorry Klaus " twenty or thirty to convince Chet to let me use is supply to cook Klaus some breakfast, and you if you want some . " I look back up to him and see he's still glaring at me.

" My point is , both you and Lila have been looking for him for 3 hours straight looking in the same spots over and over again and still haven't found him , I understand that your scared but he's 12 and probably a lot more safe and stable right now where ever he is than we were at 12." I hear him sigh and walk over to sit in front of me "Who knows he might be out buying some underwear like I was told him to yesterday!" I joke " Why the fuck did you tell him to buy underwear?" I go silent for a moment thinking if I should tell him why .

" Kind of a long story that I don't want to get into." I laugh nervously " Anyways , do you want me to make you some breakfast? I can make Lila something too if you want, I'm sure Chet has some to go boxes or something somewhere ." " Do you even know how to cook? I don't think I've ever seen you cook a single think in your life." He criticizes " Of course I know how to fucking cook I had to survive the 60's in some way. I legit almost all my three years was spent cooking because I had to either feed the cult or Dave and his god awful uncle." I point the spatula angrily at him.

" When did you become a domesticated house wife?" " I became a domesticated house wife when Klaus decided it was a good idea to start a cult . I don't want to be one , if I had a choice I would want Klaus to be my house wife while I go off and make the bank but life doesn't work out that way sometimes, and we both know if I didn't do the cooking and the cleaning then probably everyone would've starved and kept it a trash dump." I mumble angrily .

I Love You Too (Klaus Hargreeves x Reader Book 3) Where stories live. Discover now