Operation S.H.O.T

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Hurt a lot

one word....

Try to escape.....

Naomi's pov...

" -And that's pretty much how it all started," i said, looking away from the camera to avoid becoming nervous from the social interaction i was getting from inside of this huge, empty room i was currently sitting in.  In response to this long story i've told the man, starting from the beginning he wrote down everything i said on a white piece of paper with a black pen. " Uh huh," he said, continuing to write the last few remains down. As he continued to write down the notes on the piece of paper i digged in my purse and grabbed a Snicker.  Sighing in relief to finding it i quickly tried my best to open up the candy bar that was handed out in front of me. Once i finally opened the delectable candy bar i sighed in so much relief, making me think i was  about to die if i wouldn't have gotten it sooner. Once he was finished writing down a couple of notes from the story he looked back at me and clicked his pen shut, telling me that he was done writing the notes down. 

" So...can you tell me when you and your brother ever went on a mission....or escaping something that led you to the KND?,' he asked. In response i just kept eating my snicker. Not because i was just craving it but because i wasn't actually listening to what he was asking. I continued to eat the chocolaty goodness until he cleared his throat, catching my attention immediately. " Mrs Uno," he said, causing me to look at him like he was crazy or something. " Hm?," i asked, furrowing my eyebrows. He silently took in a deep breath and brushed it off of his shoulders, looking at me as he do so. Clenching tightly to the paper in his hand he looked me in the eye and repeated the same question like he was a broken record.

" Can you please tell me the very first time when you and Nigel ever tried to escape anything dangerous or went on your very first mission together?," he asked. As i continued to chew on the chewy candy bar i shook my head, quickly remembering what he was asking me." OH....yeah," i said, remembering that very first day where we did go on a mission together. Well i wouldn't exactly call it a mission but it felt like it.  Heh...i guess you could say that recommissioning thing might've worked after all. As i gotten my full memory back i rubbed my tummy a little and sat up a little straighter as to NOT hurt my back like last time.

" Uh...it happened on the same day during school," i explained. " You know how Monday's could ruin the mood for any kid during those time. Especially on one of the most unexpected days of your life," i explained, furrowing my eyebrows as i started remembering me and Nigel's very first adventure together.....

At school Naomi's pov...

Once the bus have stopped in front of the school that was the only moment i could ever feel my heart drop. As all the kids got up off of the bus and what not i just wanted to stay on here and hide from the outside world, and besides i see anything that might be harmful on this bus except for the broken air conditioner but it'll be safe all i have to do is just move away from it and i'll be fine right. Once everyone was finally off of the bus i sighed in so much relief. Now i must figure out a plan to escape the bus before  the bus driver expects anything from back here. Feeling the silence burst through the bus i checked to see if anyone was around. Figuring the coast was clear i sighed in relief and stood up a little to figure out where to hide before the bus protocol starts with checking the bus seats and what not. 

Before i could move any further towards the other end of the bus  i felt a firm hand land on my arm, yanking me up out of my hiding spot. In response i groaned angrily to see Nigel giving me a firm glare. " HEY! what gives?," i angrily asked. " Hiding on the bus isn't really going to work, have you not heard of the new protocol that's been roaming around the school lately?," he asked, slowly leaning his sunglasses from his eyes, giving me a clearer picture of his eyes. " Their not going to just be checking the seats this time, especially after a kid fell asleep inside of the back compartment for a whole day without the bus drivers knowing" he explained.  " I remember that," i said, giving him a small smile. " That was the most awesome thing he have ever done," i explained, causing Nigel to roll his eyes in annoyance. " Whatever," he explained. " And besides, a tiny little pip squeak like you wouldn't even last a day in the compartment in the first place," he explained. " AND WHY NOT!?!?," I angrily argued back, causing him to sigh in response. " Because you are very claustrophobic," he explained. " You couldn't even stay in the closet for a minute without screaming your head off," he explained, causing me to lower my eyes in agreement. " Fair point," i said, causing him to shake his head in agreement. " So just take my advice and come with me, it'll take more than your plan to escape these people this time," he explained. " And besides that was impressive," he happily agreed, causing me to shake my head in happiness. 

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