Operation P.A.S.S

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Naomi's pov...

It has been two weeks since i've received my new look. Throughout those 2 weeks i did everything in my power to pretend that i have gotten over it, i even had to smile a little just so my parents would believe me. Now you might be wondering WHY i faked being ok...well...it's because i have my own problems that i don't be wanting them to be worrying about.So instead of truly being sad i just be happy and make sure that they are foolish enough to believe me.

Right now it was nighttime, in other words that means it was time for bed. And as usual i've done my regular night routine. I've took a bath, brushed my teeth, wore on some comfy clothing and headed on out to bed. Even though i didn't really want to go to bed this time a night mom and dad could be a little strict, and besides tonight is a school night so what choice do i have?

" Goodnight mom and dad," i called out. " Goodnight Dear, i hope tomorrow isn't too much for you," My mom added. " Oh man," i silently said to myself, rubbing my face with frustration. Dad quickly caught on to it and shook his head. " Listen, nene i know it's  going to be hard for you during your first time at school, but if the kids say anything...just let them...words never hurt anybody," he said, entering a thinking position. " Or maybe it did," i silently said to himself, causing me to slowly lower my eye's in response. "No...i think...um...maybe it can't hurt or...?," In response to his stuttering system i sighed, slightly rolling my eyes. " Ok dad, i get it," i said. He looked back at me with a clueless expression until he caught on what he was really wanting to say. " OH...well great," he happily said.  " Uh...see you in the morning," he said, before shutting the lights off. Once the lights were completely off i just took in a deep breath and exhaled. " Yeah...words don't hurt," i emotionlessly said, looking at the ceiling.

As time passed by i started wondering...well...with my new look and all.....i wonder how everybody else would react. Would they laugh at me or....? In response i slowly sat up. UGH just by thinking about it i was becoming stressed...and kids should never ever EVER should know how stress feels like at such an early age. In response to not being able to sleep i slowly crept out of bed to get me a glass of soda.

As i walked back towards my room i had a huge glass of soda, fizzing none stop due to how much ice i put in it..since pop ain't really all that good to me when it's hot. While slowly walking upstairs, making sure my parent's doesn't become alarmed i walked past Nigels room to hear him.....talking to himself?

In response to hearing his voice in the middle of the night i sipped the cola through my favorite red straw and slowly crept towards his door to see what he was talking about. Of course i'm not being nosy....at least. I just wanted to see if my big brother was ok since ya know this isn't the first time he's done something like this. At this rate i think something has infested my brothers brain, causing him to think he's talking to someone when he isn't. I just hope it isn't like one of those scary movies me and him like to watch so much.

" Yes sir...i'll be right down there," he said. In response to listening to his voice my eyebrow slightly raised. " Be right down where?," i silently asked myself. As i thought it through i gulped down more cola until i opened the door to his room. " Hey Nigel, who are you talking to-," as soon as i walked into his room he was already gone, leaving the window open for intruders to climb through. Even though i wanted to just close the window and hope mom and dad finds out i couldn't help but be...worried about him. He's out there all alone for crying out loud. If something bad happens to him then my conscious would never let me live it off. Paranoia getting the best of me i done as Nigel done and climbed out of the window, ever so slowly so i don't drop my cola on the roof or spill it on the ground.

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