Chapter 25

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~next day~

Harry's pov:
Today it was the day of the second task.
I didn't saw Ron or y/n the whole day I was starting to get worried.
Ron always Is by my side and y/n said she would come to the second task.
But when I arrived I only saw Hermione and Neville.
Neville handed me the gillyweed so I could breath underwater for the task.

Mattheo's pov:
I didn't saw y/n today and she wasn't at the second task.
We still had to start but y/n is never late what if something happened to her.
I can't live without her.
She is the only person I ever loved in my life I don't want something to happen to her.
I get snapped out of my thoughts by the second task starting.
Harry asked Neville to get gillyweed for me aswel because I helped him with the egg.
I ate it and it tasted like shit but now I could breath underwater.
We had to get something that was special to us before the time stopped or something.
I swim after Cedric cause I think he knew where to go and yes he did.
I saw a little girl, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Cho Chang and y/n......
So that's where she was all this time.
I swim to her and cut the plant on her ankle and take her with me.
When our heads get out of the water she starts breathing again.
We both don't say anything until we get back to one of the towers.
We both get towels and I hold her close to me she felt cold as ice.

Y/n's pov:
I was damn cold and Mattheo was holding me I don't know why so i decide to ask it.
"W-what h-happened?" I ask while looking at Mattheo.
"They put you in the black lake for the second task" he says.
"W-why?" I ask.
"Because we had to save something that's important to us" he says.
So that means I am important to him.
I think we were the first ones cause I didn't saw anyone else.
Well except Fleur but Fleur didn't looked like she already saved someone.
After a while Viktor Krum comes up with Hermione and after then Cedric with Cho.
Only Harry was left.
"W-when is H-Harry coming?" I ask.
"I don't know y/n" Mattheo answers.
He is still holding me and I was so confused and scared that Harry wouldn't come back so I just kissed him.
And ofcourse he kissed back.
I really don't know what's wrong with me sometimes.
After our kiss he hugs me again and holds me tight to him.
"Do you feel a bit better?" He asks.
"Yeah I'm fine" I answer.
And that's when Harry came out with Ron and a girl.
I hear Fleur talking about that that's her sister and she is really thankful for Harry helping her.
I'm still shivering cause it's dann cold even tho Mattheo is here and Harry walks to us.
"Shit y/n what happened to you?" Harry asks.
Jeez is he that stupid.
"The same as with Ron, Hermione, Cho and the little girl" I say.
"So my sister is important to you?" He says while looking at Mattheo.
"Harry it's not the moment" I say.
"Y/n I didn't ask you, Mattheo why is my sister important to you?!" he asks a bit mad?
"Because I'm in love with her" Mattheo answers.
Well that was unexpected I didn't thought he would actually say it.
"If you ever come near her I will kill you riddle" Harry says.
"Harry shut up he isn't going to hurt me!" I say.
"Oh so now your defending him?! He is the son of the dark lord y/n! The man who killed our parents!" He says.
"So?! He isn't like his father!" I say.
"Are you two dating?" He asks.
"No we're not because I knew this would happen!" I answer.
"Oh so you actually do want it?! I could have known it bye y/n" he says.
"Harry!" I scream but he doesn't come back he just keeps walking.
I want to stand up and run after him but Mattheo holds me back.
"Mattheo let me go" I say.
"No just give him some time y/n your not going to make it better if you go now" he says.
I knew he was right I was only going to make i worse if I left him now.
"Okay fine but It's cold so I want to shower" I say.
"Do you want to shower at my dorm?" He asks.
"If you won't mind I mean I don't want to have a whole talk with Pansy about this right now" I answer.
"Ofcourse I don't mind let's go" he says.
He picks me up and carries me all the way to his dorm.
"You know I could walk by myself right?" I ask him chuckling.
"Yes but you are cold so I didn't wanted you to walk by yourself" he answers while handing me a towel.
"Thanks" I say and I walk to the bathroom.
I turn on the shower and I really needed the hot water that lake was cold as fuck.
I washed my body with his shower gel since I didn't have mine but that was okay.
When I got out I dried myself and realised I didn't even have dry clothes.
"Mattheo do you have some clothes for me?" I ask through the door.
"Yes wait a minute" he says and after a few seconds he hand me sweatpants and a hoodie without looking.
He is so sweet he even cares about my privacy.
I put the clothes on and walk to his bed.
"Okay wait here I will take a shower now okay?" He asks.
"Yup I will wait here don't worry" I say smiling.
He takes a shower and I lay down on his bed waiting.
After a while he comes out without a shirt on and the towel wrapped around his waist.
He was so hot holy shit.....
"Why aren't your wearing clothes?!" I ask.
"I still had to get them why you don't like it?" He asks chuckling.
"Oh I do like it but you can't get a cold" I say while walking to his closet and throwing some clothes at him.
"Yeah thanks" he says chuckling.
After he got dressed he lays down on his bed next to me.
"I'm still cold" I say.
He doesn't answer and just wraps his arms around me.
After a while I fall asleep in his arms and I'm sure I was smiling when I fell asleep.

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