Valerie started listening again to the conversation that was happening at her table as Jessica spoke up again.

"The Cullens don't like anybody," Jessica reassured Bella. "Well except your sister but anybody else they don't notice enough to like them."

Valerie joked around about being special and that they should get on her level. Soon enough the bell for end of launch rang and as everyone left the cafeteria, the Cullens stayed. Unknown to Valerie and anyone else they were talking about Isabella Swan. Jasper advised Edward to go home, not to push it and to take it slow because if anything happened, Valerie would never forgive him and with that he got up and went to his next class, his siblings following soon after.

The end of the day came quickly after lunch and Bella had her earphones in while she waited by her truck for Valerie so they could go home.

As we speak, Valerie was coming down the stairs with Angela who she shared a quick hug with as the two went their separate ways. Valerie was passing by the Cullens who were about to get into their car and leave. She sent them all a smile which they gladly returned. Turning her attention back to where Bella and the truck were, she saw Tyler's van swirling towards her sister.

"BELLA!" Valerie screamed, but she couldn't hear her, having her earphones in. Valerie would of ran to her if she wasn't held back by Jasper who pulled her into his chest, not wanting her to get hurt too. But before Tyler's van could hit Bella, a hand stopped it. To be specific, Edward's hand, who used his vampire speed and strenght to get to Bella and stop the van, the two looked at eachother before Edward jumped over Bella's truck and left so no one would see him.

The couple looked at the scene before looking at eachother. They both said a quiet go to eachother that had two different meanings. Jasper's go was telling Valerie to go to her sister while Valerie's go was telling Jasper to go to the hospital with his adoptive siblings and inform their adoptive father, Carlisle of what happened.

As Jasper let go of his girlfriend and got into the car with the rest of his siblings, Valerie ran towards her twin sister, hugging her as soon as she got to her. Valerie was crying while Bella just kept saying she was fine. The older of the two was relived that her sister was alive and she was thankful that Edward saved her because she couldn't lose her sister.

Since Bella had to ride in the back of the ambulance to the hospital and Valerie didn't have a driver's license, the truck had to be left behinde at the school as Valerie rode with her sister.

Charlie got to the hospital almost instantly after they got there, worried out of his mind about his youngest daughter and angry at the boy that almost hit her. As Charlie was going back and forth with both Bella and Tyler, Doctor Carlisle Cullen, the Cullen-Hale siblings adoptive father, came in.

"I heard the Chief's daughters were here." Charlie seemed to be instantly relieved when Dr. Cullen came in, which wasn't surprising since everyone loved Carlisle both as a doctor and a person.

"Hello Dr. Cullen." the vampire smiled at Valerie, "Valerie how many times do I have to tell you? Carlisle is just fine." the brunette girl put her hands up in surrender as she nodded her head.

Carlisle told nurse Jackie she could go as he started to examine Bella and told her what symptoms she could experience in the next few days. Just then Tyler started to apologize again which resulted in Charlie pulling the curtain and making Valerie let out a small laugh but her laugh soon stopped as her sister mentioned Edward and how he knocked her out of the way.

Valerie looked at Carlisle from besides her father with wide eyes but the blonde vampire didn't seem to be phased by Bella's words at all.

"Sounds like you were very lucky."

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