Chapter two

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"Mom... don't worry I'm coming over" I whine as my mother won't stop bugging me I heard her sigh in other line "I just miss you Jungkook..." my face sadden "Mom I miss you too..." "I'm sorry Jungkook your mother was being dramatic again" we chuckled "Yes you are..." I can vision her pouting in there "Meanie" I laugh "And besides, how can I miss tasting your delicious cooking!" "Okay... okay fine bye son!" "Good bye mom!" a big grin plastered in my face....

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"Ring~" I came to a halt in front of an old shop, my heart racing for no apparent reason, and decided to enter. "Welcome young man! How may I help you?" an old lady greeted me "Um... I... I'm sorry I entered a wrong jewelry shop" as I turn my back I can feel a hand rested in my shoulder "Would you like to try this?" she opened a small box with a simple yet beautiful silver bracelet on it "Uh... sure" I stared at in awe, her eyes twinkle "You can have it" "Huh? Why?" I tilted my head in confusion "Think this as a gift" "Um... okay thank you" "No problem" we bid goodbyes "Strange woman..."

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I open my mobile phone (11:00 a.m. Mon 28 December) oh shoot! I fasten my pace "ouch!" I heard someone says "I'm sorry" I replied as I resume my walk, but I gasp and come to a halt, my heart race like I'm running in marathon... I clench my chest and fiercely turn my head looking for the stranger's direction, "Where are you?" I mumble the street is so busy that I can't see the stranger, but I didn't give up... I can't stop my own feet as if they are walking on their own... My eyes widen as I see... him, I'm stunned seeing the beauty before me my breathing is unsteady like him, does it mean he's also looking for me? "Hi!" "Hi!" We both said in unison a blush crept in his cheeks, which makes me chuckle, I stop myself before he think I'm making fun of him "Um..." he started "I'm Jin, Kim Seokjin" he said and smiles, I'm relieved "Hi Jin, I'm Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook" I flash him my signature smile, once again a shade of pink was visible in his cheeks, we shake hands and realized we both have a matching bracelets "Oh..." he said "What a coincidence" I voice out my thoughts, analyzing his face I'm quite sure we have the same thought.

"Oh wait!" "Oh wait..." we both chuckled "You first" I said and fidget "Okay... so um I have to go" I grin "Same here" "so um..." I cut him off "let me borrow your phone" he look confused for a moment and realization hit him "Ah right here!" he awkwardly smile "here... nice meeting you Jin, hopefully we could meet again" I shyly smiles "yes me too" he averted his eyes from me "see you around" "see you!" I feel empty, I reluctantly turn my back but I stop and turn to face him again, seeing him reluctantly walk says he also didn't want to part ways, not yet "Jin" I don't need to shout, knowing he can still hear me with the little distance we created I grin "Jin" he flinch and turn to face me "Jungkook?" "Have a lunch to my place" I blurted out it only slip in my mouth, he is taking a back but small shy grin spread to his face "I think they can do well without me, I'd love too" my smile grew more wide "shall we?"


Hi! My name is Jeon Jungkook, I'm 24 years old. I'm a newly promoted choreographer and producer for the biggest company in South Korea, I'm living in US for almost five years, yes I work earlier than the rest of my age, not to brag but I'm quite smarter than the average person plus I'm good at producing so they decided to put me on the higher level, more advance, so here I am working my ass off not just for myself but for my loving family.

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