Chapter 1: Missing Phana

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I work at my library/cafe/bookstore which my father created and grew for years. I have seen him working from when I was a kid and always planned to work here to help him. Now I took his place after he died a year ago. I started doing the business right after I graduated and I want to keep it as my father envisioned this place. This was his dream. And I am living his dream.

5 months ago, this guy came to take a monthly library card and started coming and reading every single day. Some day I offer him coffee, but he always rejects it.

I waited for him to come, but he didn't for the first time in 5 months. Today was the day for the renewal of the library card and was the day of the month when I get to talk to him, but he didn't come. The day went by without seeing Phana and it was dull.

The next day too he didn't come.

The day after was the same.

On the third day, I got worried. I dont know what happened but wanted to make sure nothing happened to him. I can go and see his registration and get his phone no. but it is not appropriate and I dont want him to think I am a creep, I dont want to go through his personal information.

But on the Forth day, one of his friends came to the store. His name was beam and he was with his boyfriend Forth.

"Hey, Guys!" I said.

"Hey man, how are you? " Forth said, he and I were classmates and he is like a brother to me.

"Helloo! I wanted to buy this." Beam said as he kept a medical book on the counter.

"Uff college assignment?" I said as I make the bill and pack his book.

"Ya this is getting more and more difficult, internship and college projects are just piling up." Beam said as he hit his head on the counter, tired.

Forth hugs him from behind "babe it's okay, you can get through this." he said.

"Yaa" Beam sighed as he stood up straight, I can see light dark circles below his eyes.

"By the way, Where is your friend, I have not seen him for a few days, he used to come every single day," I asked. I couldn't help myself.

"Ai' Pha? Oh god that man, I dont know what happened to him, he has been acting even weird for a while, and a few days ago he is acting even weirder, I dont even know what to say." Beam says looking like he is done with his friend.

Forth smiled "Dont worry about him, he came around eventually."

"Well hopefully he will, we miss him here, he has been our only consistent customer," I said with a smile.

Forth smirked and said "ya ya, all of you or just you?" he laughed.

" anyways we are gonna go, this young man has a lot of work to do" Forth continues as Beam pays for the book. He hits Forth as when he said that.

"Come let's go, Bye P'Ming, meet you later, will tell Pha to come back, and not be a coward." beam said as he and Forth leave the store.

I didn't understand what he meant by that. But I hope Phana would come back eventually. 


500 words chapter. too short?  or is this fine, tell me in the comments 

hope you enjoyed this part! do comment on what you think about the story so far.

cheers!! <3

- Kee

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