Head Over Heels

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Deep breath. In and out.

Time to start the summer of my life. Apparently. I have no idea if I'll even find someone I like, let alone love. After my last serious relationship that ended badly I've never let anyone get too close since and to be honest I haven't really been looking either. It's been a couple of years but my best friend suggested that I try something new. Honestly I think she's more desperate for me to find someone than I am. When I say suggested, what I actually mean is she signed me up for Love Island without me knowing.

I could easily have rejected them when they said I got selected but I just finished studying and figured I could do with a holiday. So why not an all expenses paid trip with some hot boys guaranteed. Sure the whole country will be watching my every move but it's a once in a lifetime experience I couldn't exactly justify turning down. A voice booms over the speakers.

"All right islanders time to meet the next girl, Becca!"

That's my cue. I walk out on the deck and scan the faces before me. They're all so hot and that's when it happens, I lock eyes with the tallest guy. His deep dark eyes takes my breath away but that's nothing compared to the small sexy smirk he gives me.


Dang it! I hate being so clumsy. Why did my knees give out? I look up embarrassed and chuckle out,

"Looks like I'm head over heels already"

Everyone laughs with me except for him. He looks concerned. Suddenly a hand appears in front of my face accompanied by a smooth voice and red locks.

"Let me help you up gorgeous"


After getting back up everyone is standing back in line. The speakers boom out once more.

"All right gentlemen you've met Becca, now it's time to step forward if you fancy her"

The first guy steps forward. He's built like a house.

"All right? I'm Gary. Nice to meet you. You're fit, I'm fit lets give it a go?"

Next one to step forward is the guy that helped me up.

"Hi gorgeous, I'm Rocco. Don't worry I'll always help you up when you're down"

What a line! I smirk. My eyes fall onto his again but that's when I notice he's already standing next to a beautiful girl.

"Hi hunny I'm Hope. Sorry Noah is already taken."

She gives me a wink that I think is meant to be cheeky and rests her hand possessively on his arm but I can swear Noah's jaw clenches. I bet she doesn't fall over her own feet. The other guys Ibrahim and Bobby introduce themselves but don't step forward but neither does Noah.

"Ok since this guy was so kind enough to help me up, the boy I'd like to couple up with is Rocco."

I walk over to Rocco and take my side next to him. He tries to give me a peck on the lips but I quickly move my head so he got my cheek instead. Ok maybe he's a bit too eager. I wanted to pick Noah but I have a feeling I need to watch out for Hope. I don't want to rock the boat too much besides I'm here only here to have fun.

Love Island - A New BeginningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz