I just laughed not knowing what to do.

His mother came back to me and she had a little boy next to her. He was the cutest little kid I have ever seen. Dark brown eyes, brown fluffy hair, cute little button noise and most beautiful smile. He looked around 6. Oh and his outfit was so adorable little tux with a white dress shirt, black jacket over it, black pants, bow tie and glossy black shoes


"Nickolas introduce your self" Aurora said.

He smiled and looked up at me.

"Hi pretty girl, my names Nikolas, Lorenzo's baby brother" He said in the most innocent voice which made me smile so hard.

I bent down to his level.

"Hi Nikolas, lovely to meet you. You're very cute" I beamed.

He laughed and smiled.

"thank you Sophia" he said.

This kid has more manners than his stupid brother and his only 6.

I nodded in response and stood back up to smile at his mother.

"Well there's more to meet we will wait at the table"

I moved to the table and smiled to Lorenzos father.

"Hello Mr Ramano, nice to meet you" I said extending my hand which thankfully he took.

"Likewise Sophia" 

I sat back down next to Lorenzo.

The door opened and revealed the dude that brought me here.

Oh my god

Someone help me this dude is related to him????

He came over to me and said

"Hello young lady I'm Antonio, Lorenzos little brother" Antonio said smiling to me.

Okay he Is handsome tho but not as much as Mr goddess right next to me.

stop Sophia he doesn't like you remember he made you look like a complete idiot out their before.

"You" I replied rudely 

Lorenzo looked at me with wide eyes.

"Your the one that brought me here asshole" I said madly

Antonio smirked and looked back to Lorenzo

"Why yes I did"  he said calmly

"Are you seri---" I wasn't even finished half my sentence but Lorenzo once again grabbed my thigh under the table and squeezed it harshly.

I gulped and looked down.

"Nice to see you again" I replied with my head down knowing that if I replied how I was I will cop a lecture later from Lorenzo.


POV ~ Lorenzo

Dinner was good, I didn't hear a peep out of Sophia so that was good maybe she learnt her lesson not to be fucking rude my family. 

"Thank you mama for dinner it was the best like always, me and Sophia are going to head to bed now" I said being polite

"It was lovely to meet you all and thank you for the dinner as well it was beautiful" Sophia said with a smile

"No worries dear it was lovely to meet you too, Goodnight to both of yous" said my mum

"Goodnight" everyone said in union

Me and Sophia left the room and walked up the stairs in silence. Sophia was walking behind me when she stopped in front of the door she was in before when she was getting dressed. 

"What are you doing" I said looking at her with a confused look

"Im going to bed asshole what do you think I'm doing" Sophia said looking at me dead in the eyes

"Your sleeping in my room I don't rust you to be sleeping in your own room, so hurry up I got to get up early can't be standing here with your bullshit" I said getting agitated 

"But my clothes and stuff are in here and why would I sleep in the same room with you one minute your fine then you go all bipolar on me" Sophia said getting mad

"They aren't your fucking clothes remember, you are fucking worthless" he said getting full on mad with his jaw clenched. 

"And don't fucking talk back to me when I tell you something" I said seeing red only now

POV ~ Sophia


I'm laying on the cold floor of the kitchen with bruisers covering my now pale dry skin due to the winter and not being able to afford a proper jacket. 

My dad pulled me by my hair and screaming in my face 

"YOU ARE NOTHING BUT  A WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE" My dad said growing red from all the anger that is building up

"YOU FUCKING KILLED YOUR SISTER YOU SHOULD'VE DIED NOT HER YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" screamed my father once again kicking me in the stomach making me fall to the ground 

Tears kept  falling and falling uncontrollable.

My father walked out for the room throwing the glass beer bottle above my head shattering on the wall. Glass fell down on me piercing my skin from the sharp glass pieces.

why does my life have to be like this, what did I ever do to my parents, it wasn't my fault what happened to my sister I've mourned my sisters death the same with my parents we should've comforted each other. 



"SOPHIA" yelled Lorenzo looking worried 

"what happened, I was talking to you and you zoned out I was calling your name but you weren't answering me" said Lorenzo standing in front of me with hi arm on my waist 

"NN---no everything's okay I was just in another world I'm okay, promise" I said with a fake smile not reaching my eyes

"I know somethings wrong I could tell, you had tears falling down your pretty face" Lorenzo said with a look on his face that I couldn't put my finger on. 

"Nothings wrong okay just get over it and what you care now after what you did before, yea okay" I said trying to get out of this situation of having attention on my personal matter that no one is allowed to know that I get beat up by my father how embarrassing he'll just make a joke out of me. 

I walked around him getting out of his grip thankfully, walking a few steps down until I felt him brush past me nudging me on my shoulder. 

The fuck because I'm rude to him that's not okay but he is allowed to be rude to me like the fuck!!!

"What you can't see now where your going now you asshole" I said getting mad 

"like do you ever stop fucking talking and drop this little attitude of yours it doesn't suit you" Lorenzo said turning around to star dead in my eyes.

"And what I have to bow down to you, and follow orders from you remember I don't work for you I'm your fake wife okay so why don't you drop the attitude too" I said now smirking at him 

Two can play this game too Lorenzo or should I call you little Enzo bear

I looked Lorenzo in the eyes and knew that this fake wife and husband thing has to end soon I can't be his wife forever. Right.


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