Mortimer Handee X Reader PT.2

Start from the beginning


Why couldn't you grow out of that? You thought you had left crushing on Emos back in middle school! Aaggghh!!

Well you shouldn't call your boss emo. That man had been way more expressive when Mortimer is in play. Maybe that's why you 'love' that strange puppet was because of Owen. The feeling of heat flushing your cheeks as you remember the times the puppeteer had called you many lovely pet names and the times he flirted with you.

Of course Owen tried to deny the act but you knew he liked you. You happily sighed, Owen is such a cutie.

Maybe you'll bring back a souvenir for Owen. You already promise one for Katie, so why not your boss too?

Tearing your eyes away from the city landscape, your [EYE COLOR] orbs couldn't help but curiously eye'd a box labeled 'Wigs'. Another one 'Heels', 'Breast Padding'? What the fuck is your sister actually doing?

Julie is actually your older brother named, Edward. She's a drag queen but that's not the point! What are these paddings for? Like, what the fuck?

Unconsciously you've begun to reach, hand shaking the closer you got. Thought of strangely perky breast being in a tan cardboard box kind of freaked you out! But you must see!

"So has life been treating you, [NAME]?" Your hand quickly slung back to your body when Julie's fake high voice caught your attention.

"Oh uh," You begun to speak, trying to form the correct words. "Well, I won't lie; My job has been experiencing some trouble. Like, in finance and lay offs. I'm just lucky I still have a job. Heh heh." Your sister looked to you in the review mirror before glancing back to the road, your Dad slightly listening. "Maybe I still have one because my boss, like, really likes me I guess?" You felt a little uncomfortable saying it while your Dad was a around, he's a little iffy when it comes to dudes being around his daughters.

You swear you heard your sister make a sound- one of interest.

"Is he hot?" She asked, you choked and you swear you've never seen your Dad turn so fast in his seat before. His dark brown eyes has this look you don't like and it scares you. Burying your face within your hands, why doesn't Julie have any shame? You straight up mention that stuff knowing your Dad is a psycho about that stuff.


You were so glad the long car ride would soon come to an end. Couldn't sleep and your bum went numb from the ride! A three hour drive and your small group finally made it!

Of course you hadn't wait for your family, off to the first booth you saw. The kind that listed Elephant Ears off, you bought a few of those sweet treats for yourself and your gang. Since you guys hadn't mad any pit stops, you were basically hankering for something to drink and snack on.

Garbage Fries for your Dad, And two things of cheesy nachos. You're a little bit lactose intolerant but damn you love nachos and cheese! It'll be worth it!

With food and drinks in hand, you happily skipped back to the vehicle- knowing your family would still be there because they were located next to the port-o-potties. You don't know who but you're pretty sure someone had been holding it in.

Your pace would soon come to a crawling halt, a crystal vendor and a few people watching her small to-go TV. Even yourself got sucked into the group, curiosity taking a hold of your mind. The TV showed firefighters tackling a raging fire, most of the building disappearing behind the hungry flames. A few firemen storming into the chaos, brave fellows most likely looking for any living souls.

"-he fire is --ill goin- aft-- two -ours."

The presence of static made it hard to understand what the news reporter was saying, only a few could be understood.

"The infam-us --rtimer's Han--eme- has --steriously caugh- fire."

Mortimer's Handeemen? Fire? Your [EYE COLOR] orbs widen in disbelief. How? Why?

"--irfighte-- from ot-er count--- --ve come to -attle th- fire."

You forced yourself away, your brain not believing a single word. It couldn't be real! You actually liked your job- Why would anyone do this? The feeling of your chest tightening and the sudden sting of tears hitting the corner of your eyes. Your arms tighten around the thing within, some drinks being crushed and liquid nearly spilling out.

Does this mean you lost your job?

Did any of your friends get out in time?

You hadn't register a hand bracing your shoulder, a voice that sounded muffled and to far to hear. The face of your sister appeared before you, blocking your view of the mini TV. She continued to speak but her words weren't there. The elder sibling shook you, making a poor attempt to snap you from that thousand yard stare.

Everything started to blur and deform before your very eyes. Colors and shapes fusing into a mess of grey before becoming black.

[1]-Indents don't show.
[2]-That's what my family calls it when we see trucks and are explaining the things inside.

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