Big J X Reader

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Big Woman (Height), Size Kink|Size Difference, Non-Binary!Reader, Reader Insert, Crack-Fic, Reader's Gender Is Not Mentioned But Can Be Read As Either, Mostly Written For Female!Reader But Made It Gender Neutral, Gender Neutral!Reader, Fluff, Kidnapping, Vampire!Reader, Short Story
🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Clown Dress-Up
🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: The Wire

[1]You struggled in your binds, you and a few 'undead' were captured. The small group you were hanging with had been kidnapped by some crazed sky clowns, turns out, they just need your boss. But that didn't explain why you were separated from the group, taken somewhere more private.

What did they want from you?

You don't have any information to give, you were just an underling. They don't really give much to go by anyway. Your head shot up upon hearing a door opening, from where you were, it's all dark. Well, minus a sliver of light peeking in through a crack in the wall. Heavy boots thudded against the floor, your dead heart beating in panic. You struggled even more now, hearing the steps get closer made you desperate to get free. The booted feet soon stopped before you but you still couldn't spot the owner. Bright light flooded your vision, hurting your eyes as whoever pulled you forth by your hood. Your body collapsed to the floor below, once your vision returned, you notice you had been in a bedroom the entire time. [EYE COLOR] eyes glanced towards the closet you've been in for quit a while before settling on a pair of boots. The large hand once again made it's way into your hood again, lift you up to your feet before you no longer touched the ground.

Damn this bastard is tall.

Your eyes widen upon the sight of the eldest sister, a large toothy grin directed at you.

You're so screwed.

"It's been a while since I last had a toy." She growled out, making an attempt to sound like a soothing purr. The sound sent a shiver of fear along your back, feeling like spiders crawling around. Big J started to move, you instinctively closed your eyes. Believing the giant woman about to commit a violent act with you being a bloody mess as a result. A muffled Yelp escaped your gagged lips upon being roughly tossed down but nothing else happened.

You didn't die? Did you?

Cracking an eye open before the other, you stared back at yourself. A brow quirked up upon your face before you realize you sat in-front of a mirror, white fingers tugged off your hood, revealing hair underneath. Your [HAIR COLOR] locks looked a mess, you don't brush it anymore due to the hood messing it up. A hand laid itself upon your shoulder, the other held a brush.

"Be still now. You don't want to lose your head or do we?" The grip tighten as you shook your head. Nothing more was said as the female got to work, brushing your hair as she used her other hand to comb through for any knots. You felt scared, confused, and a little bit of awkward to boot. Big J's face appeared to be content and relaxed, "There we go." You cringed at one particular spot, she brushed the knot out until the hair had been free. The tings of pain brought tears to your eyes, maybe you should just start cutting it all off instead of letting it get long and matted. The glimmer of a set of scissors caught your attention, the blades drawn and close to your cheek. "Don't squirm now." She said, the scissors' edge now much closer to your eyes. "It would be a shame if I were to hurt this pretty little face of yours." With that said and done (On her end that is). Relief washed over you when the crazy woman moved that thing away but still felt anxious knowing the Big J could plunge those scissors into your neck anytime.

The feeling of your head became much light after the clown snipped a few hair strands, that felt pleasing. Your head no longer weighed down by heavy [HAIR COLOR] locks.

"There we go. That must feel so much better. Doesn't it?" She leaned in creepily close, maybe she thought she was being gentle and caring but... It had the opposite effect. This church is really playing the creepy clown roll very well. You just nod your head, hoping that would please this beast. "I thought so." Big J reached for a jar, it fits in her hand perfectly but would appear a lot bigger compared to yours. The cap came off with 'pop', your curiousity had been peaked. In the clown's other hand, she held a large makeup brush. "I use this as foundation but it's clown white face paint." You cringed at the cold white feeling it gave you, leaving goosebumps where ever the brush smeared the stuff on.

"You're going to make a cute little clown." She said with a giggle.

Your co-workers are definitely going to laugh at you after this.

You're not looking forward to that later.

[1]-Indents don't show

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