Alucard X Male!Son!Reader

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Son!Male!Reader, Awkward Story, Embarrassing Alucard, Mentions Of Girlycard, Birth Story, Mom!Alucard, Birthday, Fluff, Mentions Of Necrophilia, Cussing|Swearing|Cursing, Mentions Of Pussy🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Birthday Story🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼...

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🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶: OOC, Son!Male!Reader, Awkward Story, Embarrassing Alucard, Mentions Of Girlycard, Birth Story, Mom!Alucard, Birthday, Fluff, Mentions Of Necrophilia, Cussing|Swearing|Cursing, Mentions Of Pussy
🆃🅷🅴🅼🅴: Birthday Story
🅵🅰🅽🅳🅾🅼: Hellsing|Hellsing OVA

[1]"[NAME]..." Spoke a smooth voice, the speaker went through one ear and through the other as you turned in your sleep. "[NAME]." The shadow spoke once more, you just mumbled incoherently. A gloved hand shook your shoulder "Wakey-Wakey." When nothing happened, not even a flinch. Alucard frowned, why did his son have to sleep through everything? With one swift motion, the dark colored coffin and you were thrown to the polished floor harshly. A almost manly scream escaped you upon making contact to the ground below

"Ow... That hurt!" You said into the floor, sounded muffled, but Alucard understood you clearly but chose to ignore it.

"Guess what today is my little prince?" You pushed yourself up just enough to see your father with the usual smile on his pale face,

"What?" You rubbed your sleep laced face before carding your fingers into your [HAIR COLOR] locks, "What's today?" You asked in the most groggy voice you ever spoke in. The elder vampire hauled you to your feet, one hand held onto your bicep as the other held your head to Alucard's chest.

"My poor baby is already suffering from Alzheimer's!" You groan with a frown, you just want to sleep and it's only halfway through the day time.

"Daaad. Stoooop." The man chuckled as you pried yourself away to sit upon your over turn coffin, "What do you want?" You asked, sleep slowly leaving your tired being.

"I wanted to say you're a year older and I thought long and hard about this." Your [EYE COLOR] eyes shot open, your dad is no stranger with putting you in sudden training or giving you a punishment.

"What have you 'thought' about?" You're kinda worried what it could be. The dark shadows wrapped around your form, pulling close to your dad, a look of worry gracing your face.

"What more could I do to embarrass my boy on his special day today? So I'll tell you about how you were born." You now decide to struggle, out of all the stories he could tell, you differently didn't want to hear this one.

"No, I don't I want to hear that!" You struggled, pressing your palms against Alucard's chest, he in turn held you close.

"I've met your father during World War II,"[2] You froze,

"What?! Met my 'dad'." You were in shock at this, "I thought you're my dad." Alucard ran his fingers through your hair as if he were petting you.

"I am... To an extent. Hush now and let me continue. Were was I?" Questions ran rampant in your head.

How? and Why? Do you really want to know?

"I've been a young woman then and your father a low ranking Nazi soldier. Some would say it to be a love story. No. No it was not... Hmm. More like a much needed fuck."

"Dad. No! Just no! I already don't want to hear any more!" You made an attempt to move away once more, "Walter! WALTER!!" You choked on your words as Alucard stopped you from yelling and continued on with the story.

"He was nearing death, m̶o̶s̶t̶l̶y̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶d̶, and I was horny." You cringed,

"Please stop!" You muttered,

"Quiet handsome. You look so much like him.~" A whine escaped your throat, "Guess who came out after nine months of suffering? You, [NAME], my little No Life Prince.~" Alucard booped your nose before planting a kiss to the top of your head.

"Please stop! I don't like this version of you! This is not you." Your father once again ignored you, why did you have to be so weak compared to Alucard?

"When you born, you practically ripped me in half." You actually couldn't image your dad being a chick at one point in his life, only your brain kept imagining the current sight of Alucard giving birth to a baby you. The feeling of bile rising in your throat, you're pretty sure your face is turning green. "5: 30 in the afternoon. You just couldn't wait until a proper time. No you wouldn't.~" It sounded like he was talking to a baby.

You Hated it. You hated to be talk to like you're infant.

"You weren't like normal newborns." The elder vampire chuckled, "You came out snarling and angry. I enjoyed watching you shred the Hellsing Guardsmen apart, Abraham didn't take to kindly to that."

"HELP! I'M TAKEN HOSTAGE!!" You were able to free your arm, but it's kinda of useless. Nothing to grab onto, except tugging on Alucard's arm sleeve.

"You tore through my pussy like a demon crawling out of hell. I have to admit, it was actually pleasurable." You dry heaved and combined with the imagery, it made your stomach flip and twist.

"I'm going to throw up... Please stop." You tried to reason with your father, "I can't take anymore." You wanted to cry. This had to be a punishment! You rather be blasted full force with direct UV light or get shot with several bullets, any of your dad's punishments then having to sit and listen to this. You prayed to whatever god existed for this to end, luckily the miracle came in as Integra calling out for Alucard.

"I have to leave [NAME], but I'll be back home soon." The elder vampire whispered into your ear, "Don't think it'll be that easy. Story time isn't over." And just like that, the man fled into the shadows. You fell to the floor below, your [EYE COLOR] eyes frozen open as you curled into a ball. There is alot of information you had to sort through, like:

1) Your "Dad" is actually your mom?

2) Your dad had been a woman.


3) Your "Real" dad is a dead Nazi your mom decided to fuck.

Using your vampire strength, you pulled the flipped over coffin over top of you.


*Every time around my birthday, my mom would go into details of my birth. I feel uncomfortable every time says it. Every year.
*Image found on Google

[1]-Indents don't show.
[2]-The character might be older then the reader might think.

----------Character Ages here: 1999 (Current Year)------------
*Alucard's Age: 568 Years
*Integra's Age: 22 Years
*[NAME]'s Age: 54 Years (June 1945)
*Seras's Age: 19 Years
*Walter's Age: 69 Years

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