Chirin X Reader

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WARNING: OOC, No Beastiality, AU|Canon Divergence, Reader Insert, Cussing|Cursing|Swears, Gender Neutral!Reader, Human!ChirinTHEME: The Bell's ChimeFANDOM: Ringing Bell (Chirin no Suzu)

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WARNING: OOC, No Beastiality, AU|Canon Divergence, Reader Insert, Cussing|Cursing|Swears, Gender Neutral!Reader, Human!Chirin
THEME: The Bell's Chime
FANDOM: Ringing Bell (Chirin no Suzu)

[1]Everything had been going great for you today, that meant something awful had about to happen. You've never had a good day without something horrible to happen.

Like when going to school and everything seeming to go swimmingly but when at home, your parents never seeming to stop screaming at each other. Or the time you've been so chipper at work and for the coin to flip, your dog had escaped and gotten ran over outside the apartment.

To prevent this; You always made an attempt to have the worse possible day so it could be the best later.

You've done this for years now, all the way up to now. Minus the promotions you got, that had been instant repercussions.

Your [EYE COLOR] eyes gander around the forest, taking in the sights of the wild. You're the secretary for your big o' boss, some how the man chose to have a "business" hike with another company's CEO.

Why he chose to do it here?

You honestly don't know.

Maybe because of his weird exotic personality?

The big man had been trying to make sure you were having a good trip while also trying to make it appear as if he wasn't the bad guy.

Spraying yourself with a second can of bug spray and using a can of Raid against any bug that was freaking huge.

Like Australian huge... Well not really but that is how you felt about these pesky misquotes. You've stopped mid walk, something catching your attention. The sound of your boss and the lady talking had been drowned out by the chime of a bell, it was faint and resonated around the forest.

That's not creepy at all.

"Hey Mister Sully? How much further from th-" The words died down upon looking back to find no one. Your heart dropped, panic wigging it's way into your being.

You're alone... With the scary trees... And whatever is out here...

You're not a outdoorsy person! More of a device and Netflix person. You've never watched survival documentaries, only YouTube videos about "Don't do this" or "The wrongs things to do". Taking another look around, the panic you felt had settled just enough upon spotting multiple foot prints. The ground being soft and muddy enough to leave indents behind.

'Okay [NAME]. Just follow the path and you'll meet up with your coworkers.' You've told yourself, mentally pumping yourself up before heading in the direction of the steps. Keeping your eyes low to the ground, making sure to follow these tracks. A few branches may have whipped you on the head a few times, causing you to cringe back and smack the offending things out of your way.

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