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He look at me like a sort like of an angel or saviour. But he doesn't know that he's the one who save me from misery.

Like an angel saving the sinful existence I have.

My nervana.

"Bro if you comeback here, bring some beer."

"Stupid! Liquor is not allowed here."

"Guy's I'm going, so messege me if you get out so we can hang out sometime." the guy who have lean body who seems getting out was just normal and nothing to do with him.

"Young, get ready, you're going out." A nurse informed the boy who's talking to his own friends in the mental facility.

"Going," He said before saying goodbye to his friends here. He's kinda excited going out although not ecstatic as he thought before, he starts dancing in the hallway knowing that he looks crazy at his actions but the people there didn't mind. they just thought he's exited or maybe he needs more time here. The boy then start's humming and singing song like he was very happy doing it.

People around him starts cheering while he continues to dance while doing some air hump's then continues to do type's of dance he remember.

Well maybe he was wrong, maybe he was indeed very excited. the feeling of being free in short of minutes or days was enough for him. the feeling of not being bound to thing's that held you from being free. the feeling of not being addicted.

He stop when he sees someone in the front desk. His sister, she smiled while grinning at her.

"Bro..." She smiled endearingly. Tears were forming in her eyes waiting for it to fall.

"Eve, miss me?" He straight up hug his sister while kissing her hair.

"And why not?" Eve says with happiness in her voice.

"Okay, let's go." His mom hug him before swiftly walking out to get in their car.

When they get in front of the house, their mom starts to chuckle while Eve stairs at her mom confused why she's chuckling and the young man just smiled going along with his mom.
"Evory Young welcome back. We'll start in the beggining, a new chapter in your life to start of."

He smiled making his siren eyes look softer despite his intimidating look.
"New beginning." Evory state putting his hands on his mother's shoulder.

"C'mon let's go." they have dinner in their house celebrating Evory's arrival. their meal was super fun and normal, talks about their happy moments in the past, and the happening's in the present.

"Two weeks from now your going back to school, Evon. But don't worry, you're enrolled already and going into a different school." Evory is shock, his mom already organized everything. he knows that his mom thought about it to make him feel comfortable.

"I love you mom." his voice was cracking because of gratefulness.

"I love you too honey." she starts kissing the forehead of Evon and Eve in form of habit.

Evory can feel the love from their mother. Although they have a really rocky relationship, sometimes they still continue to love despite the love and hate relationship they have.

After dinner, Evory said he needs to walk to check around the place. his mom was reluctant at first, it just adds that he recently got home, and something bad might happen to him. even Eve was starting to get anxious. But Evon reassured his mom and sister to ease their worry, Until he later convince them till they're fine for him to walk around temporarily.

Evory said some word's before going out to see the already familiar neighborhood. Ever since he came to the mental, he never got the chance to roam around. the life there was sometimes really boring or miserable. So he wanted change, even when he knows he can't rewrite the past, that is not a reason trying not to want a new beginning. Although it's hard.

"I'm glad you're back, Evo And welcome home." Evory suddenly turn his head to see a familiar face, a very handsome man with green eyes and  an ash brown hair. It's enough to make any woman kneel in their knees.

Although his words held no bad but Evon can feel the mocking in his tone and a great dislike in it. "But let me warn you. Don't come near us and act like a desperate bitch like before, you're presence was enough to ruin someone's day." His ruthless words really match his face. A very cold one.
Evory is not surprise at his words what was he expecting from him, nothing.

"I'm planning that. I admit my mistakes. I very much regret the past, and I'll stay away as much as possible." Evory sights his long lashes hanging down looking at his feet.

"But who the fúck are you to order me? Are you my mom? No you aren't." Evory look at him meeting his green eyes, Then he suddenly laughs at his own words.

"My bad, no offense, Hans haha.." He laughed not caring at the cold eyes looking to him.

Hans still stare into him pissed at his words "Your face is really the opposite of how rotten are you inside huh? Get out of my sight." he says calmly looking at Evory's siren eyes.

"Hans, I don't know if your ears are still working to not hear what I said minutes ago, but let me say it again, Who the fúck are you to order me? And you're not my mom, I also said that I'll stay away. So stop with your orders. Are we done?" Evory raises his left eyebrow after pulling off a long speech. Hans stares into Evory's face seeing the familiar face but different emotions. An indifferent one.

'Everything was fine until this díck showed up.'  Evory sights they really had a dark history.

"I'm going." Evory quickly walk past him not giving him time to talk.

"Don't forget your words." That's Hans last words staring into Evory's back not even sparing him a glance.

Evory opens the door to their house gently not wanting to wake up his mom and sister. "Why did you come home late?" Eve ask him silently sitting in the sofa

"Oh I just enjoy the tour sorry about that." He said before getting some water in the kitchen.

"Bro, please don't make rash decision. I'm scared for you." Evory can feel the distress, and concern from his sister. his heart aches knowing that Eve is always thinking about his well being, and seeing his sister was hurting because of him the damage hurts double to him.

"I will, i'm sorry Eve, I can't promise but I'll do my best to not make you worry about me anymore. you're so precious to me." Evory have The softest tone and face when it comes to his family. almost the opposite to his personality.

"Let's sleep, it's been long when we last sleep together." she immediately nodded following her brother.

"He's back... How unfortunate." A man with black hair almost like a prince with his majestic aura resembling a perfect gentleman coupled with his ash eyes and perfect face who'd any woman he'd laid eye's too will kowtow for his charming face. If only people know what he really is.

"If only he'd just rot to that place till he dies... but I must admit he was the most delicious person I've fúck in my entire life." He said reminiscing about their history and being already horny below his pants.

But I still hate him.

"Am I right Hans?" The man said smiling at his irritated friend.

Hans didn't reply to his words. he's very pissed at what happened of his encounter with Evory.

"Ulysses, yes your right. He's a whóre."

'Indeed fúcking him was the best they experience.'  Hans admit his affair with Evory before.

'Too bad they hate him.'

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