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Not edited!!!

Months passed since HuiZhong's birthday boutique. Months passed since that day when she realised she really did transmigrated into a novel inside of a transmigration novel (That's weird and confusing af what-------). And what happened was, there were some changes in her life.

This time around Shen Qingqiu stayed. He didn't disappear. He would follow her around and accompany her. And no body even knew about his existance (If they knew then Luo Binghe would cause another world war, XiaoLing definitely doesn't want that she had enough). He speaks less and looks so calm and collected. Sometimes she wondered how's he calm around her afterall she's Bingge's kid. He would occasionally pat her head, mostly when she pronounce a word correctly or learn something new. He looks so soft and approachable like this.

The next change was that, another member came to her life. And that's Luo HuiZhong aka her Da-Ge. Man just barged into her life demanding to meet her and proceeded to hold her for the entire day. XiaoLing giggled at what happened.


The very next day, after the celebration, XiaoLing was feeling much better. As she was playing with her toys that A-Mei git her, she heard some commotion outside. Being a highly sensitive person, she could feel the atmosphere change, she could smell it in the air (no she's not Tanjiro----).The air scented like surprise mostly, along with suspicion and fear. She heard someone talking outside. She couldn't understand a lot of it. It was unclear and also she doesn't know Chinese well. It's broken (like Dione's financial status)

"Your Highness, Wh----" She could hear one of the servants trying to ask, whoever that was but was cut off by that person opening the door in a surprisingly gentle way. XiaoLing was swiftly scooped onto an embrace by her beloved nanny. XiaoLing gripped on her robes. XiaoLing doesn't want to meet whoever that is. She just want to play with her favourite nanny!!!

"This lowly one greet His Highness, Crowned Prince. What do we owe his highness for this unannounced visit?"

Wait---- The crowned Prince?!! XiaoLing slowly lifted her head and stole a glance at the visiter. Tf is this tiny child doing here? (Let's just pretend for a moment that XiaoLing isn't tinier than the kid)

"Can't I visit my Xiao mei's palace?"

No no!! You can't!! Leave XiaoLing and A-Mei alone!!!

"Apologies your Highness. This servent didn't mean to question you. This lowly one was merely curious!" She could feel that A-Mei was suspicious of him. Well--- It's surprising that someone actually visited XiaoLing honestly. So yeah! The caution was understandable.

"I merely wish to meet my little meimei"
This time XiaoLing looked directly at him. Her soft green eyes staring at his soft blue eyes. XiaoLing tilted her head and subconsciously bit her palm (which A-Mei removed cus XiaoLing was too busy zoning out into--- probably Hogwarts, speaking to snakes--)

"I wish to hold my meimei!!" HuiZhong basically demanded to hold his meimei. He looked at XiaoLing and couldn't held but feel a bit excited. He didn't knew he had another sister. He had heard about concubine Lin's pregnancy but he thought the child passed away with the lady. He had met Lady Lin before. She was a nice lady and would always pat him head! His mother always pushed him to being "great'' and never was much affectionate towards him. He was always excited to meet her child! HuiZhong loves his siblings a lot, even when mother says not to be attached as they were enemies or something.

He was practically bouncing when he saw his little mei staring at him. His meimei is so cute. He could hardly contain the excitement as the nice nanny bend down (hesitantly). He extended his arms for XiaoLing. He wanted to hold her so bad. XiaoLing stared for a while (---probably deciding whether he's worthy to hold her or not---). She slowly extended her chubby arm and wrapped it around the others neck (like a monkey). The nanny even helped him hold his meimei. She's so chubby and adorable! He wanted to pinch her cheeks so bad!!

XiaoLing watched as a small blush creeped onto the others round face. His eyes were sparkling from the excitement even if he tried to hide. XiaoLing let out a small giggle (F**king baby brain!!). HuiZhong hugged her close.

"Hello meimei! I'm your Da-ge! Da-ge is sorry that he couldn't meet meimei before! Now Da-ge is here and Da-ge will protect you!"

XiaoLing felt a warmth inside. It's so unfamiliar but she never felt uncomfortable from it. It feels safe. She felt safe. And its rare for her to feel this safe.

HuiZhong spent his time with her as much as he could, carrying her around (refusing to hand her over even if he felt tired), playing with her, giving her headpats and hugs and even a forehead kiss. The big bro vibe was nice tho she very much knew he was waiting for her to be older to play live action Tom and Jerry with her.

After that day he always visited her, when he had free time. He would sometimes tell stories about their other siblings! She has a jiejie too! And two more older brother (They're twins).

Shen Jiu tho-- he appeared mostly during night time to accompany her. But sometimes would come by when she's playing with her Da-ge. He would usually stay quiet and sometimes would cuddle her----slowly lull to sleep when she can't. The scent of bamboo and ink always made her feel safe. It felt like home.

Wait did she forgot to mention something..... Oh yes! A mystery person! She doesn't know who that is. But she knows this person always visit her!!! The first time she felt them was a few weeks after HuiZhong's first visit. She was asleep when someone picked her up and cuddled her. How did she know? Well she felt it in her dreams! At first she thought it was a dream too!! But the second time she felt it, after a week or so. And the next morning she found a small gift for her! A cute toy! She loved it! There was also a note saying

"To little Ling,
By Mr."

That's all it said. But XiaoLing loved it. Mr would visit a lot. XiaoLing wanted to stay awake and find him but decided to just not to cus clearly her bestie doesn't wanna show themselves.

"Why are you still awake, you little beast" Ahh!! It's her favourite Shen Qingqiu! He scooped her up safely into his arms like an expert. Her eyes lit up as she hugged him, giggling. Laying her head on his shoulder, she closed her eyes wanting to sleep.

"Brat, you're too spoiled" She could clearly sense the softness under the harsh word and snuggled closer, absorbing the warmth. He just adjusted the grip and softly stroked her fluffy white mass of a hair ( which she inherited from BingBing) soothing her.

"Ba" She subconsciously uttered the word which momentarily made Shen Jiu freeze. His features softened, he wasn't even aware of it.

"Silly brat..." He muttered softly before continuing to sooth her, lulling her to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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