Bellamy- hey hey!

Phoneix- murphy enough!

Bellamy pulled them away from each other as I watched sighing not looking at Murphy

Bellamy- hey, stop! save it for the grounders!

Octavia- bell, now what the hell are we gonna do? that was all our food!

Murphy stood back watching the fire as I did too shaking my head slowly backing up

Phoneix- yeah not my problem

Bellamy- Phoneix- *cuts off*

I turned to walk off as Murphy looked at me. *later that day*  I stood at the table skinning fish as Murphy was trying to talk to me but again was ignoring him when raven walked over

Raven- the hunters are back? is Finn with them?

Phoneix- I don't think so

she walked behind us when i spoke again

Phoneix- hey relax, I'm sure Clarke is keeping him out of trouble or should I say his mistress

Murphy lightly hits my shoulder which I ignore as Raven stops in her tracks, but she just walked off making me chuckle. *a little bit later* I walked to the drop ship as I saw Myles laying on the makeshift bed moaning as I rolled my eyes walking behind him as I grabbed a empty plastic bag from the ground. I went behind him and put the bag over his head holding it as he struggled and tried to yell just like Miles

Phoneix- this is for tying the noose that they used to hang Murphy

he grabbed my arms struggling as I held it there not losing my grip

Phoneix- say hi to Colin for me

he struggles for a while longer before stopping as I sigh removing the bag when I hear a clank, I turn my head to see Jasper coming down the ladder as I scuff. he came down the ladder as I moved more in front of the bed when he looked at the gun, i did the same before we both ran to it but I grabbed it first pointing it at him as he held his hands up

Jasper- Phoneix, just put the gun down

I look at Myles than back at Jasper still keeping the gun pointed at him

Phoneix- he tried to kill Murphy

Jasper went to move back but I pointed the gun right at his face making him stop

Phoneix- hey! don't move

Jasper- ok ok it's cool

Phoneix- no it's not, you know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy

I heard the walkie-talkie go off as Bellamy's voice comes through it

Bellamy- tell bellamy what?

Phoneix- give me the radio, Jasper

Jasper slowly pulls the radio out but instead of giving it to me, he turns it on

Jasper- Phoneix has a gun and she killed Myles

i quickly hit him in the head with the gun as he falls to the ground 

Bellamy- Phoneix, what the hell are you doing?!

I walk to the entrance and press the button closing the door as it's almost shut I hear my name being called

Bellamy- Phoneix! Phoneix! open the damn door!

Phoneix- you try to be a hero, Jasper dies!

the door closes as i stand there looking at jasper chuckling as I shook my head

Phoneix- if only you kept your mouth shut, you wouldn't be here right now.

I stood there all night not moving, not looking away from the wall that was until I heard Octavia's voice

Octavia- Phoneix! Phoneix, if you even touch Jasper. i swear to god your dead!

I didn't say anything as I stood there till the walkie went off

Bellamy- Phoneix, I know you can hear me. all our ammo and food is in the middle level, you know that. you're leaving us vulnerable to an attack I can't let that happen

I scuffed grabbing the walkie

Phoneix- yeah, well in case you haven't noticed you're not exactly in control right now

Bellamy- come on Phoneix, you don't want to hurt Jasper you want to hurt me

I looked at Jasper as he speaks again

Bellamy- so what do you say? how about you trade him for me? all you have to do is let him go and I'll take his place

Phoenix- how?

Bellamy- simple. you open the door, I walk in, he walks out

I sigh walking over to the button opening the door as I lift up Jasper standing behind the curtain with the gun to his back

Phoneix- just you Bellamy, unarmed! 10 seconds or I'll put one in jasper's leg!

I started to count up from one as I wait

Bellamy- I'm here!

Bellamy walks in as I shove Jasper out, I start to close the dropship when someone jumps in, I point the gun at them as the door closes making the person look at me. it was Murphy

Murphy- you really thought I was going to let you have all fun?

he smirked at me as I sighed point the gun at Bellamy

Phoneix- now the party has officially started.

The Earth We Once Knew - John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now