Chapter 4

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"Hey you! You idiot!" Jimin shouts angrily the moment he entered the coffee shop, "How dare you--"

"Shh! You! Bigmouth!" Jungkook whispered angrily too, leaving his mop on the side before pulling Jimin to the restroom. "You--Why would you shout like that, hyung?! What if our manager thought I'm a bad person or something?"

"Then they'll be right!" Jimin even rolls his eyes, "How dare you leave without telling me? Take note! ME!" The older even points at his chest, "Your Best friend! You didn't even tell me that you'd applied for this job, and you've been absent for a whole week now! One more and you're a drop out--"

"Tsk. So be it."


"I said let it be hyu--"

"Are you crazy?"

Jungkook sighed at that. Then he proceed on averting his eyes from his hyung and leaning on the wall like his strength had been sucked away from him.--and maybe it does...

Cause this is the second time he heard that question this week, and actually right now he's convinced that...

"I might be..."

"Aish!" Jimin slapped his arm hardly, "You're not! So why? What happened? Tell me? Is it Jin-hyung? Did he make you do this?"

"No hyung." Jimin only raised one eyebrow at that, so Jungkook immediately adds a, "This is my own decision."

"Then why?" Jimin asked again, almost panicking now, "What about school? Our future? What about college Jungkook-ah? It's our goal?!"

Jungkook had finally lost count of how many times he had sighed today but he let out another anyways.

He just can't help but do so. He's so tired now. So so tired of everything.

--But of course! Jimin needs explanation so he's giving it to him in any ways today too. This is his Jimin-hyung after all. He can be honest with him.


"I finally give up on those things hyung." He cuts off, like he's dropping a bomb between them.

"What the fuck?!"

"I mean it hyung," Jungkook adds, "It's been a month now since I last seen my parents and there's no sign of them going home anytime soon, so I need to do jobs like this to be able to buy food and Grandpa's medicines."

"You should've told me earlier then! You know I'll help you!"

Jungkook is already shaking his head even before the last sentence end, while also refusing to meet Jimin's eyes cause,

"I don't want you to ask your parents to give you extra money just to give it to me, like you always do hyung."

Well, Jungkook might be mischievous and demanding in many of times than one, but he actually knows it when he is being a burden to someone too.

To be honest he know it for so long now, it's just that, back then he's still full of hope to keep going but never had a courage to stop.

He had only get all the courage he needs to throw those hopes right at this time.

He had just let go.

"Tsk. I knew it." Jimin sighed too after a short pause, "You heard my Mom's nagging right? She's just like that sometimes ggukie, but she's really kind, she'll be happy to help you know!"

"Yeah, but I don't want to ask for help anymore," It didn't make things better for me anyways, "I'm finally doing something to help myself and grandpa now."

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