Chapter 3

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"And that's the story of why I'm hanging here in this pole." Jungkook explains, gesturing at himself and the pole.

"Eh? Wasn't that too long of a story, when I only asked you 'why you're up there?', Not to mention the fact that you didn't continue what happened under the staircase an--"

"Yah kid! What happened under the staircase is not something an 18 years old and below should know! And also, you listened to the story so well, so stop complaining now and help me at least!"

"I'm not a kid though," the girl complained, "I'm your fellow high schooler!--"

"What year?" 



"I'm not!"

"What's your name?"


"Alright, Y/N. Why don't you help me down now?"

"And what? Get myself into trouble? Do you think Seokjin-oppa would just hung me in a pole if he caught me helping you? That's too risky Jungkookie-oppa!"

"This brat! why are you still here then?"

"To keep you company?" Y/N guessed so fast, making Jungkook sigh because,

"That's risky too!" He scolds, "The sun is already setting, and the sky will turn dark soon, you should go home."

"But what about you?"

"Jimin will collect me later. If he didn't, a teacher who'll go home late will, and well... If I'm unfortunate enough, the creepy school guard will." He elaborates, counting it in his fingers as well.

"OR... Seokjin himself will!" Y/N adds looking back at the school buildings behind Jungkook, while stepping backwards to the direction of the school gate.

"He must be home by now though," Jungkook whispered to himself, not daring to say it louder enough for the kid to hear. "Anyways, bye!"

"Bye!" Y/n shouts, so Jungkook waved at her too.

"Also... Seokjin-hyung is the one who put me here, there's no way he'll help me."

But--Wasn't Seokjin too much today?

Of all the things he can do, why would he put me here? What if no one found me until tomorrow? Also--

"Hey Jeon!!!"

Speaking of the devil.

"Yah! Seokjin-hyung--"

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that anymore?" His Seokjin-hyung interrupts, frowning already.

"That's your name though,"

"I don't want you to call me by my name,"

"Alright, then hyung--"

"I'm not your hyung, either."  Seokjin cuts off again as he walk passed Jungkook.

"Wait! Jin!" Seokjin surprisingly stopped walking at that, turning around to raise an eyebrow at the younger. "Come on Jin! put me down before you go!"

"Jin?" Seokjin laughs, not even paying attention at everything Jungkook had said after that name,

"Yes, I called you Jin, can you put me down now? I've been here for 2 hours already and I don't think there's still teachers inside."

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