Chapter » 1

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It was when I was 19 years old, when I fell in love with 22 year old Zayn Malik. I think it was everything about him. Everything from his thick luscious hair to his coffee eyes. And things like how he reflected everything I couldn't be and how he found certain avenues in life that I could never find. Zayn was literally everything I wanted to be.

I hadn't been to college and even then I wasn't planned on going. Not because I didn't want to. I swear I longed to be there and to be sitting in class or up late at night wrecking my brain for finals. But my family, which then only consisted of me, my mother who's name is Anne and Gemma who is my older sister, only had very little money. College was not an option if it had to be paid for from my mother's pocket.

Even when I was only 15, before the thought of college ever came up in my brain, no one wanted to get a higher education more than my sister. Throughout her highschool life, Gemma had worked hard. She did everything she could to get herself a scholarship: studying all day, participating in extra curricular activities, doing community services and joining clubs. By her senior year, all her hard work paid off. Soon she was off in another part of the country, 16 hours away from us by drive and a 2½ hours away from us by flight.

I found it very hard to live without Gemma and I missed her like crazy. I would call her two days a week and we'd talk for twenty minutes or so about how our day was or what we'd do next time she visited home. Those phone calls gave me so much life and they were the only thing keeping my spirits high. But eventually even that wasn't enough.

Mom was always working to make ends meet so that meant I was home alone most of the time. Being home alone wasn't good for me because all I ever wanted was attention and it was all I ever craved. So I made strides to get it the only way I knew how. Even if it wasn't good for me.

One day when I was seventeen, my mom came home and found me and some boy name Austin in my bed and we were having sex. I hadn't noticed her, but I did when she came over and pushed Austin off and out of me making him hit the floor. " Get away from him!" she screamed. "And get out of my house!"

Of course I didn't expect her to be home, but I think I was more shocked that she'd done that. Before I knew it, Austin was putting on his clothes and scrambling out while I was sitting there screaming at her and calling her a homophobe.

I saw the hurt in her eyes from my choice of words but she only became more frantic and more concerned as she asked me one question. "Harry he didn't leave anything inside of you did he?"

I didn't answer.

"Harry please, you have to answer me. This is important... Did he... did he leave anything? Even a drop."

"No! He didn't get a chance to! And why are you asking that? This is so embarrassing."

Despite my efforts in blaming and getting angry at her, she just sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed and it sounded like one of relief. "Harry I... as much as I am very disappointed in you having sex behind my back when you are clearly not ready for that, I am not a homphobe whatsoever."

" I don't believe you." I mumbled looking away.

"Well I'm not. And I'm sorry that I may have ruined things between you and your... boyfriend." She waited for me to say something, but I wasn't going to answer. There was no way I was going to tell her that Austin wasn't really my boyfriend but that he was just some boy who I met at the bus stop and offered to fuck. So I settled for "Okay."

She reached over and put a hand over my hand. "Harry." she said. And naturally after hearing the distress in her voice, I looked at her.

"Harry there is something I need to tell you baby. Something I've been holding back a long time."

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