Friend Zone

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"​​Tell me something nice! Like flowers and blue skies!"

"Shut up!" My girlfriend, Trisha, grabbed a broom and banged the handle against the ceiling, shouting. The singing stopped, and Trisha collapsed on the couch. "She is so annoying," Trisha grumbled, placing her head in her paws

"Mhm," I responded, nodding emphatically. Truthfully, the wolf upstairs had a beautiful voice, and I didn't mind her singing. I couldn't tell Trisha, though, or she'd overreact. Ice me out. Scream at me. Leave me.

"I will follow you home!" The wolf began singing again, her sweet, clear voice filling the apartment. Trisha groaned and pressed a pillow against her face.

"Mm-mph mph m-m-mph," Trisha muttered, her voice muffled by the pillow. I stifled a laugh and asked,

"What was that?" Trisha removed the pillow from her face and rolled her eyes. Her golden-brown fur was ruffled, and her mascara had left black marks on the fabric.

"I said: I'm going to kill her." Trisha pointed to the apartment above us, where the wolf was still singing.

"Trish..." I began, hesitantly. I couldn't keep trashing the singer.


"Never mind." I couldn't keep trashing the singer, but I couldn't let go of my fear, either.

"M'kay. I'm going to take a shower." Trisha stood up and stalked out of the room, admiring her reflection as she passed the mirror.

"Coward," I muttered to myself, glaring at my paws.

I waited until the click of Trisha's high-heels faded, and I allowed myself to relax. I hated that sound. I hated the way Trisha's lips barely moved when she spoke, and the way her hips swayed as she walked. I hated her. Yet, each time I thought about leaving her, fear gripped me. Trisha was all I had; I didn't want to be alone.

"Although my lips are blue and I'm cold!" The wolf interrupted my fuming, and I glanced up, struck with an idea. Trisha was in the shower. The singer was probably alone. It would be unfriendly not to say hello, right?

I tugged on a pair of black boots and neatened my makeup. Halfway through applying eyeliner, I paused and set the bottle down. Why was I bothering with makeup? It wasn't as if I needed to impress the singer. No, I was applying makeup for fun. That was it.

I finished grooming and checked the time. 1:37. Assuming that Trisha spent another twenty minutes in the shower, I had until 1:57 to return.
I hesitated in the doorway. There were so many ways this could go wrong, but I had to stop letting Trisha control me. I drew a deep breath and stepped into the hall, closing the door behind me.

I took the stairs two at a time, my heart fluttering. There was an unfamiliar buzzing in my chest, as if a thousand fireflies had ignited inside me.

As I reached the singer's apartment, my excitement peaked, and I rapped on the door. Once. Twice. The door flew open, and a stunning wolf stood before me. A smile, bright as the rising sun, graced her lips, and her eyes sparkled like twin stars. For a moment, I forgot to breathe.

"Um, hello?" She interrupted my thoughts, allowing me to regain a bit of composure. I shook my head, smoothing the wrinkles from my t-shirt.

"Hey. I'm your neighbor, from the apartment below yours." Her face fell, and she stepped back.

"If you're here to yell at me..." she began.

"No! My roommate..." Roommate? Trisha was my girlfriend. "She's the one yelling. I actually, um, I actually like your singing."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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