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Y/n's POV

"Hmm you have such soft skin. I could....live in it if I wanted to. I want to live in it actually." I hear a voice said. I open one eye to see it was Erwin massaging my thighs. The fuck?  I weakly moan and moved my leg away to startled him.

"Oh Y/n! You're awake. How are you feeling?"

"A little weak but..why were you just touching my thigh? And saying all that weird shit?"

"You're hearing things darling and.....Hange! She told me to massage that area because you were in pain earlier."

I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. If Hanji said that she would've done it herself.

"Well unfortunately she's...busy with other things right now, so I'm the only one who can take care of you." He said. I swallowed my spit and chucked nervously. Did I say that out loud? Great. 

"Anyways. I would get some rest if I were you. It was a long day yesterday, especially for you."

I nodded and started to fall asleep again but Erwin gripped my chin to make me look at him. I never noticed before but his eyes...are–

"Don't go anywhere unless you are told to, understand?" He says while frowning. I smile. It's time to play him at his own game. I am a grown ass woman. I can't be letting these me control me. I lean towards Erwin until I was sitting right on his lap, his eyes widened and his mouth parted slightly before closing into a smile.

"I need an answer, young lady. Don't think I won't–"

I kissed him right on the lips to shut him up. His entire body goes into a shock as I start to play with his blond hair while grinding my hips on him. His hands gripped my ass while pulling me closer and deeper into the kiss. Okay because that kinda hurts.

"We...should..stop.." I said between kisses but Erwin mumbled a "shush" before attacking my neck and pushing his fingers down my pants to finger me.

"Erwin!" I moan. His lips were so soft compared to his hands. It roughly trespasses my entire insides but it felt so good. I continue to moan in his ear as my body betrays me and gets wetter and wetter.

"Such a good girl, getting so wet for me. But....not yet. I can't." He whispered. I pull back to look at him. As much as I wanted to ask why. I just nodded and climbed off him. 

"Okay then. Take that as a "yes" I'll get some rest and won't go anywhere."

He playfully smiles and spanks my ass.

"That's a good girl. I'll be back before you know it. You...should drink your water before sleeping."

I looked over at a water by my lamp and raise an eyebrow. The water looked weird but I guess it's because it's been sitting there since I've been sleeping. I drank the water and closed my eyes. SHIT! It slipped my mind! I should've asked him why doesn't he want me to leave my room?
Eren's POV

"How do you know this?"

"What? You think I'll lie about something like this? Annie is the female Titan." Levi said while facing away from me. I frown and balled my fist. This can't be true. It's so random. Why would Annie–

"Listen kid, Y/n was severely injured by her doing and Annie caused all of this. She needs to be stopped immediately!"

I gasp. What does he mean?

"I mean we...kill her."

"WHAT! WE never kill one of our own!"

"She nearly killed all of us. MY FRIENDS ARE DIED! All..of them...dead." Levi falls the ground and shivered. He never yelled like that before and I never saw the guy cry or show any emotions but...he does got a point. I can't allow her to kill anymore of my friends or potentially hurt Y/n again. I'll peel her skin off if she harms Y/n again. I level myself to Levi and gripped his left shoulder.

Temping Desires (YANDERE Erwin, Levi, Eren X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now