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This was bad. Something was wrong, you could feel the cold wind like needles against your skin and your breaths were shallow as you tried as best as you could to draw in breath. You held on to the wall of the club for balance. This was no time to be feeling weak, you had to leave this place now, before the sun came out.

Shit. You coughed out blood. What happened? Did someone spike your drink with holy water? What the hell? You crouched down on the ground, trying to find the strength to move. This was different, it didn't feel like holy water. Holy water would burn in your stomach until you puked your guts out but this time it felt like your brain was on fire, and you wanted to tear it out of yourself, dripping with blood.

"Looks like you were wrong about her, Sheepshead. If she were a vampire, she would have gone feral by now," a voice said from behind you.

"Really, but she couldn't stomach the garlic, like all the others, maybe it's just taking a while?" Another person suggested. "I'm sure I put in the whole vial of speed in her drink."

How did they know? Who were they? Shit, you had no choice but to call for help. You would get into trouble, but it was better than whatever this was. It was getting too dangerous out here, and you were suddenly feeling hungry, even though you had a full pint of blood just this morning. This shouldn't be happening, but he would know what to do. He always knew what to do.

"Ace! Ace, help me!" You called out telepathically. But you could not feel Ace on the other side of your connection. It felt as though your brain was melting inside of you, and you could not reach him. This had never happened before, no matter how far apart you two were, even continents apart, you were always able to reach your brother.

"Oh, well, if she can't be our experiment, then I guess she's just food!" The first voice said, and he jumped up in front of you. Something had to be off, because he did not look like a normal human, nor did he look like a vampire, even with his red eyes, and fangs out in front of you. He had fur like a sheep and the other one had horns.

Suddenly you were scared. How many decades had it been since you felt actual fear? The creature in front of you lunged at you, ready to bite, but something stopped him.

"Will you look at that, a couple of bloodsuckers are ganging up on an innocent girl!" A new voice said, coming from the front.

Your vision started to blur, and all that was in your sight, was red. There was a man, red hair, wielding a red sword and he swung at your attacker. He kept going in and out of focus for you, but even so, you did not miss the tattoo on his chest as both your attackers snarled and attacked him instead.

He was a hunter.

Shit, your hunger was bubbling up inside you like a storm, right this moment, and you had to leave. Everything was fine now while the hunter thought you were a human, but once he got close enough to see your reddening eyes, he would kill you without a second thought. You were weak right now, and you could not fight at all. But then the sheep guy managed to claw the hunter's chest, and you could smell blood.

All the breath left your lungs, and all you could think was how much you wanted to taste that blood. The hunter was skilled though, even as your vision went black, and he struck your attackers without mercy. He was strong.

The hunter walked towards you and you felt the growing anticipation as you played weak, your vision black, and your fangs ready. There was no other thought in your head, other than catching this prey in front of you. Your brain was on fire, crying out only, Kill, Kill, Kill.

You were shaking like a leaf as the hunter approached you. If you got touched by his sword, you would get burned, and he would be on alert, so you did only what your starving body urged you to do.

"I... I'm scared...please don't hurt me.." you said weakly, looking down for fear of him seeing your fangs.

"Then why the fuck did you come out here by yourself?" He sounded annoyed, but he put down his sword. "I ain't gonna hurt you, alright? Are you okay?"

He was close now, you could smell the intoxicating scent of blood. This had never happened to you before, this darkness creeping inside pulling you in no matter how you tried to fight it. Everything was clouded in fog and mist, and you could only helplessly follow your instincts. With his guard down, you jumped at the hunter, and sank your fangs into his neck.


You were in you bedroom when you opened your eyes. Luffy was sleeping on the floor of your bed, and Ace was standing by the doorway. Sabo sat by your bed, holding your hand.

"You're awake. Good." Sabo said with a strained smile.

Your head was pounding hard, and the light in the room blinded you, and you squinted. Oh thank goodness, you were home. Damn, this was one hell of a hangover you were having. How had you gotten home?

"Oh, I had the strangest dream," you said massaging your temple. "What time is it?"

"Don't give me that shit! Not after what you pulled last night? What the fuck?!" Ace shouted from the door.

Last night?

"Ace, calm down. I'm sure she has a perfectly reasonable explanation for what happened." Sabo said, voice stony.

"Calm down? She's put the whole family in danger!" Ace said again.

You blinked at that. What on earth was he talking about? "I would never."

An incredulous look crossed Aces face right then, and he strode over to your bed, nearly stepping on Luffy who was still fast asleep. "You killed a human. A fucking hunter!" Ace said.

"A human?" What? No, that was impossible. You had never in your life killed a human, you never drank directly from them if you could help it. Wait, did that mean it wasn't a dream after all? The sheep looking creature or the redhead hunter?. "Oh shit! Oh no! That was just a dream, I...What have I..." You placed your shaking hand over your mouth trying to think, to recall anything at all from last night.

"Yeah, you did! If Zoro hadn't found you and called me, you would have been caught! What the hell were you-" Ace watched you closely. "Wait, you didn't attack him on purpose?"

"No," You said, horrified. "I... must have lost control! Oh no!" Tears were prickling at your eyes. You killed a human. For the first time in your life you'd taken a human life. A hunter too. That would put the family in grave danger.

"That's impossible. You had blood in the morning, and you never lose control! Ever. Something must have triggered it." Sabo said, sharing an uneasy look with Ace.

"I remember that I felt weak, like I'd drank holy water, only a million times worse. I was so scared." You said, hands still shaking even as Sabo squeezed your hand. You killed a person!

"Then why the hell did you not call for me to help you?" Ace asked.

"I did, but I couldn't reach you," You said defensively. "Can you hear me now?" You asked him telepathically.

"Yes." Ace replied.

Sabo frowned, "Your connection to your brother was blocked, and you lost control? I don't like this. Something is definitely wrong."

That was true, but something else took precedence right now. "Where's the hunter?" You asked.

Ace hesitated, "He's in the dungeon, we locked him up, but he should reawaken shortly."

"I'm going to go see him," You said trying to get out of bed.

"I don't think that is a good idea. We removed a nutropill from his tooth. You know what that means, he'd rather die than become one of us. Now that we've taken away the only means he had of neutralising your venom, he's gonna hate us even more." Sabo explained.

A hunter becoming a vampire was worse than death to him. He would not accept it. But if he died for real, then his blood would really be on your hands. He might hate vampires, but surely he would not want to die, not when given a chance at rebirth. You would convince him to choose to become a vampire and live, rather than to just die.

"Let's let him die before he fully turns." Ace suggested.

"No. I'm going to talk to him." You said determinedly.

Red Hunter (Eustass Kid x Reader : Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now