Roaring loudly, the evil beast jumped at Branch yet again, Branch jumping into it at the same moment, both of them colliding in a massive fight to the death...

Fighting back, the little gray troll tried his best to win the battle he had unfortunately found himself in, but this wolf... the wolf chomping at him with it's sharp blood-thirsty fangs... it was much stronger than the young survivalist was, pinning him to the ground with ease after only a few seconds of war...

'Say good night, Weretroll...' the vicious beast chuckled threateningly, raising it's paw high up into the air to slash Branch's head clean off of his shoulders...

Branch looked up helplessly at the monster holding him to the ground, his eyes wide in terror, the poor boy unable to do any but await his horrible... painful... bloody fate...

"Get away from him!" they both suddenly heard in an angered shout, a pitchfork strangely being thrown directly into the wolf's shoulder...

     "Aaaaooooo!" the wolf howled out in pain, suddenly stumbling away from Branch before looking up at it's attacker in pure uncontainable rage...

     It was Peppy... the old king standing near by, glaring at the beast with no fear...

     "King Peppy!" Branch cried out in pure absolute terror upon seeing the orange troll standing just a few feet away...

He couldn't be here! It wasn't safe! This wolf was dangerous!

     "Grrr..." the wolf growled before quickly lunging at the king of trolls, the beast forgetting about it's former target to focus all of it's attention on this new prey...

     Peppy's eyes widened at seeing the wolf now coming towards him at top speed, his whole life flashing before his eyes...

     "No!" Branch screamed out loudly, the young boy quickly jumping into the wolf's side, and knocking it to the ground to stop it's attack on his only father figure... his friend... his family...


     "Branch!" Poppy screamed out in terror as she ran at top speed through the forest, the young princess pushing leaves and branches out of her way so she could pass, the poor girl terrified out of her mind for the safety of her best friend, hoping with all her heart that she wasn't too late... "Branch! What happened!? What's going..."

     But she froze dead in her track as she pushed through one final bush, instantly seeing that Branch... the troll she cared so much about... was currently engrossed in a deadly battle, the young boy trying desperately to fight off a massive wolf from on top of him.

     "Branch!" she screeched in complete horror, the pink princess quickly beginning to run over to help her friend despite the danger she knew she'd be putting herself in...

     "Poppy! No!" Peppy shouted when he saw her run past him, the old king quickly grabbing his daughter tightly in his arms as he held her back, away from all the violence occurring just in front of them. "Stay back!"

     "No! Branch! Branch, no!" Poppy cried, tears flowing from her eyes as she tried her absolute hardest to pull out of her father's grasp. "Branch!"

     Yet again... the wolf pinned Branch to the ground, the little gray troll letting out an almost silent groan of pain before the beast leaned over to whisper something into his ear...

     'After I get rid of you...' it began in a soft whisper, Branch allowing his eyes to fall shut in defeat, the pain shooting all throughout his body just too much for the young boy to handle. 'Troll village will be mine...'

Curse of the Weretroll (rewrite)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora