So, doubts aside... Everything will be fine...

Norton himself behaved naturally. With one hand he drove the car at ease, the other rested in my palm on my knee.

"What's bothering you?" He apparently noticed my tension and slight nervousness, because I couldn't sit still, constantly fidgeting in my seat.

"Oh, sorry. Did you say something?" Playing the fool, I pretended I had not heard the question. 

Mike gave me a puzzled look, then turned back to the road.

"Can you tell me what happened? I see you can't find a place for yourself..."

"Tomorrow's just hard practical work. I can't get it out of my head," I said, blurting out the first thing that came to mind, and it seemed to work. He just tightened his grip on my palm and brought it to his lips, leaving a light kiss on my fingers.

Mike won't hurt me. Mike won't hurt me... Mike won't do anything against my will...

"Take a shower and go to bed early. I'll take you to classes in the morning."

Of course... How... Yes... I want coffee in bed in the morning, I hope you know how to make it... Lord, give me the strength not to lose my composure at the very last moment, please...

When we got to the gate, I ran into another problem: how do I lure him into the apartment? Hint that I'm ready? Or, as they say, invite him for tea, coffee or to watch a movie?

What movie, Alana? You've just come from a movie...

"If you've changed your mind, we can go for a walk again," the voice of my beloved sounded through my wall of reflection.

When I came to myself, I realized I was thinking, because the door on my side was already open, and he was standing there with his hand outstretched, inviting me to get out. Mike rarely came into the apartment, especially after I asked.

Fool... And why did I say that back then?

"Are you coming upstairs?"

Being in his warm embrace, I finally decided: I need this night, I need to overcome my fear. I need this man.

"Alana... Crossing the threshold of your apartment, there's always a chance that I won't be able to leave. Not today..."

A strange, unpleasant chill ran down my spine. Did he really refuse me? That's not like him at all...

Looking into the eyes of the young man, I realized he was not joking.

It would still be the way I wanted...

"See you tomorrow," I whispered into his lips and left a weightless kiss. "Remember me tonight."

Without waiting for an answer, I turned around and headed for the gate. 

However, unexpectedly, disaster struck: I accidentally twisted my ankle. It unfolded so confidently and believably, I mentally awarded myself the Oscar for Best Actress in a drama series.

Mike ran up with astonishing speed, and all the guards jumped from their seats. Norton picked me up in his arms and, scolding me for my inattention, carried me into the apartment. Turning on the light, he was going to put my body on the sofa, but I slid to the floor, standing confidently on my feet.

"What the hell?" Mike was dumbfounded, but quickly figured out what was what. "You're a sly fox, Moore..."

"Mike," I whispered as I approached him. I hesitantly grabbed the edges of his leather jacket, intending to take it off. However, Norton grabbed my hands.

MAD LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora