"Because you dressed like a whore!"

"What did you say?!"

Mark could not pull himself together, like all the times before, when a girl's defiance upset him. He felt like a real moral freak, realizing these words hurt her very much. Previously, Mark would snap at Alana for any little trifle, but the more he got into her, the faster rude words were replaced by imperious touching and demanding kisses.

At first, his behavior scared Alana, but then falling in love completely blinded her, teaching her humility. She justified his peculiar display of feeling by the fact he had not had a relationship before her and he simply did not know how to behave differently. But now Mark had crossed all reasonable boundaries... Resentment, like an icy wave from the Atlantic Ocean, doused her with a charming splash, piercing her to her very bones with a frosty cold. Without holding back her tears, Moore reached for the handle, intending to exit the car. Yet, this man's hand grabbed her coat sleeve and abruptly pulled the girl back.

"Are you going somewhere?"


"Do you hope to get there in this form? I'll drive you back after the party, get over yourself."

While the couple figured out their relationship, the red light lit up for the second time, but Mark didn't care about it. Pressing the gas pedal, the car took off. They spent the rest of the way in complete silence, each busy with their own thoughts. However, after parking the car in the school parking lot, neither of them was in a hurry to get out.

Alana was worried about her inability to present herself properly, thinking that she really overdid her makeup and would look like a laughingstock in public. She worried she might embarrass Mark, and that was why he reacted like that. The guy himself, on the contrary, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel, glanced at his friends waiting at the entrance to the school, not wanting to bring Moore into their company.

"Alana, I, uh..." Try as he may, Wood still couldn't ask for forgiveness. Despite racking his brain, he could not come up with anything that sounded right to him.

"If you don't want to go there, we can leave."

"We're already on fire, there's nowhere to retreat..."

"The ceremony will be at the very beginning. I can wait for you here," Alana offered, still thinking her appearance caused of their strife. "I thought I could imitate the style of your previous girlfriends, but..."

"You're stupid..."  Mark interrupted her, slowly sliding his gaze over her body, catching an excited look. "You don't need to imitate anyone, because I already love you, mouse..."

Out of the corner of his eye, Wood noticed movement next to the car, and when he turned around, there was a knock on the window.

"What do you want?" Turning to the distraction, Mark tried to turn around in such a way as to cover Alana. He instantly realized it looked stupid, because she would still have to get out of the car.

"We're already frostbitten, are you coming?" Ken bent down to look at his friend's companion, but Wood closed the window right in front of his nose.

After opening the door, Mark got out and said they did not need babysitters, and when they deem it necessary, then they would come. Wilmore just grinned at his words and stepped back, waiting for the moment he could meet Alana's eyes through the windshield. Winking at the girl, he turned around with a satisfied smile and went inside with the other guys.

Ken knew about his friend's feelings and constantly teased him about it, belittling the dignity of the mouse, hoping to bring Wood back down to earth. And now Mark was ready to swear Wilmore did it on purpose, to stir up his jealousy again.

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