Wood shifted his gaze behind the girl and instantly tensed up. Alana did not even have time to react to his strange behavior, as Ken's weighty palm landed on her shoulder. Wilmore gave his classmate a brief hug, which confused Moore and infuriated Wood. Without thinking twice, Mark grabbed Alana's hand and pulled her to him, looking at his friend with annoyance.

Ken never missed an opportunity to establish contact with the newcomer: he tucked her hair behind her ear, then helped her with her backpack and started chatting about all sorts of nonsense, putting Alana in an awkward position, as she was in a relationship. At first, Mark did not care, but over time it annoyed him, and the remarks he made to his friend led to nothing, as if he was talking to a brick wall.

"What's wrong with your face, Mark?" Wilmore grinned, looking with interest at the girl's wrist clutched in his friend's hand. "Is she going to the party too?"

"Where?" Alana asked quietly, turning to her boyfriend.

"Nowhere," Mark said to his girlfriend, still looking at Ken. "Get in the car. I'll take you home." He led the girl to the passenger door of a bright red Buggati Veyron, and then came close to the main bully. "Don't you understand English? Leave her alone! We'll figure it out ourselves."

"Are you in love?" Wilmore asked, standing in a relaxed pose. "We made a bet, don't forget. And to be honest, I want you to win..."


However, the answer to the voiced question never surfaced...

"Alana is waiting for you, and the party is about to begin," Ken defiantly looked at his watch and, grinning, headed to the other side of the parking lot, saluting the excited girl as he passed her.

Mark saw Wilmore openly neglecting old friendships, trying to break into the lead at the expense of others. Sometimes Wood wanted to smash his face to bring him back to Earth, and today's event could provide a splendid chance.

It was getting dark fast outside, but the clock's hour hand had not even crept up to the number seven when the party began to gain momentum. The levels of fun were escalating, and everyone were squeezed in like sardines, yet all this has already made Mark cringe. For the first time, this young man felt out of place, as if he should have been somewhere else, and not there. Sitting on the porch and breathing in the cool air, Wood watched the stars, not feeling the slightest desire to return inside.

He wanted to write to Alana. For no reason... and he blamed the sensual impulse on his alcohol-clouded mind. However, after rummaging in his pockets, Mark could not find his phone and, looking around, remembered that he had left it on the coffee table, but as soon as he got to his feet, the headlights of an approaching taxi hit him in the eyes.

Wood wondered who was late, but as soon as the passenger door opened and the blonde got out, his sense of unpleasant surprise was immediately replaced by irritation. In one leap, jumping over the steps, he went up to the taxi at lightning speed, whistling for the driver to stop. Alana stayed where she was, not knowing what to expect next. Judging by the reaction she saw, it would not be a happy encounter at all.

"What are you doing here?" Mark growled indignantly. The confused girl did not even have time to get a word in, as she was roughly turned away from the house. "Were you called here? No? Then get in the car and go back!"

"What are you doing?" Moore asked indignantly and removed his hand, freeing herself from his painful grip. Mark again gently pushed Alana on the shoulder, pointing away from the party. "Stop pushing me now! You're acting like an animal! Maybe you can explain what's going on? First, you write asking me to come, and then you send me back right from the doorstep. What's up with you? Are you all right in the head?"

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