"Now I understand why the guy flipped his lid. It's so funny! Fate has pushed you two together again. You know what I saw in his eyes back there at the club?"

"Contempt?" I asked and shuddered, remembering with what hatred he looked at me.

"A grudge, Alana... Pain and misunderstanding. In front of me stood a boy of thirteen who had experienced his first disappointment."

"What was so terrible that happened in the life of the golden boy?"

"A golden girl. She couldn't make up her mind, but ended up staying with someone else. After that incident, Norton became a creepy jerk, not allowing rejection in his life. It's common knowledge - girls like bad guys. Although the truth is that Mike is different."

"Oh, really," I said the words, stroking the throat he had applied himself to without causing any pain.

"He's real with you, Lana. I can see that, and I can't deny the sympathy. I know him like the back of my hand because we've been friends since we were in diapers. This man won't cause you any heartache, but will strive to make you the happiest you can be. Trust me, and trust him. Mike is not a danger to you. And I'm not even going to mention Alex, the dandelion of God. "

I could not believe this girl's words, as I had been clearly told in the past that no one would ever like someone like me...

After talking for a while, we went back to our beds.

Rising early was not part of our plans, especially after last night's noisy event, which made my head hurt. But, unfortunately, your opinion means nothing if a man like Mike Norton comes into your life. He unceremoniously opened the door and slammed it so that Jess and I jumped into our beds. He walked over to the sofa and lay down with his legs stretched out in front of him.

"Birds, get up!" he said as he looked at each of us, smiling mischievously. "How did you sleep?"

"Player, what the fuck? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"Oh, stop giving me the runaround! You and your future profession. Unlikely."

"What if we were getting dressed? Next time I'll lock the door," my roommate muttered in a disgruntled voice and flopped down onto her pillow.

"What haven't I seen? How is underwear different from, say, swimwear? The same places are covered. It's nothing interesting... And anyway, Milton, you're like my sister. Did you really think I'd gawk at you?"

The girl only snorted, and Norton had already shifted his attention. He gazed at me, as if trying to get my soul out, then his eyes dropped to my bare shoulders, studying them. His expression was thoughtful, and you could feel at a distance how actively his brain worked. Under such a piercing stare, I wanted to hide somewhere. Not knowing where to put myself, I bent my knees and pulled the duvet up to my ears.

Jess was wrong about him. There's something different here... I need to find a tactful way to ask how much I owe for the restaurant. I'm sure it's not a small amount, but I'll earn it and pay it back. In parts...

Jess, noticing my confusion, saved the situation.

"What brings you here so early, Norton? You don't get up before lunch!" But he didn't react to his friend's words, continuing to burn me with his gaze. "Player, look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Practicing a commanding tone, Milton? It suits you," said the guy as he looked at his friend derisively, yet he didn't bother to answer the question.

There was a knock, and the door was pushed ajar.

"Are you girls asleep?" Alex whispered.

"Come in," the blonde muttered angrily.

She, like me, was curious what these two wanted from us at nine o'clock on a weekend morning.

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