"Let's get three shots in your farewell," Tae suggested.

"Great idea,"

They ordered tequila for themselves.

"Ready?" Hobi asked as the two beside him nodded.

"To our sunshine, Hobi!!" Tae yelled as he raised his hand in the sky.

"Our sunshine!!" Jimin repeated clashing his glass with the others. Hobi just laughed as he followed them.

All of them gulping the shot in one go.

Jimin and Tae laughed when they saw Hobi scrunch his face and nearly puke out.

"Still bad at drinking..." Jimin teased him, sucking on the lemon in his hand.

"well...I guess I need a glass of water now." Hobi said with red, flushed face.

Hobi just shook his head as the two boys offered him another shot. And they continued to do challenges, both of them gulping shots one after another.

Suddenly Jimin remember his promise to Jin hyung and paused before grabbing another shot. He moved his hand from the glass and shook his head as Tae gave him a confused look.

"No more. " Jimin mumbled. "I promised my hyung that I wonder reach home drunk."

"So obedient," Hobi laughed, making both of them laugh.

Some minutes later.

"Tae just go talk to her. Stop staring like a creep,"

"Dude, she's calling me..." Tae whined.

Jimin laughed. "Go on, your luck is in favour.." he patted on Tae's shoulder before he left.

Jimin and Hobi watched Tae from afar. He reached the girl and both of them started laughing and talking at something instantly. Soon, Tae got pulled by the girl into the dance floor. Jimin and Hobi laughed and cheered for him as they saw him flushed and embarassed.

"He's done.." Jimin smiled as he stared at his empty glass.

Hobi looked at Jimin. "What about you?"

"what do you mean?" Jimin asked, still staring at his glass.

"Haven't you been single for too long now, Jimin?"

"Hmm..." Jimin smiled as he stretched his hand above his head. "Gays are difficult to approach-"

"Just tell you're not interested in any guy you've meet." Hobi rolled his eyes, at the genuine truth that Jimin liked almost no one.

"No," Jimin objected. "I might be interested in someone but haven't met that one yet,"

"And when is that someone of your coming to you?"

"I don't know. Maybe today? Maybe tomorrow? Maybe someday?" Jimin laughed as Hobi shook his head in disbelief.

"You guys have fun, I'll meet some other people. Need to say goodbye to every individual tonight."

Jimin nodded and Hobi walked away, dissappearing in the crowd.

And just like that, Jimin's smile disappeared. He really was single for a long time now and he needed someone...that need of someone really bad now.

But as he said, it was difficult to find any gays around. They don't have stickers written 'gay here' on their foreheads. And you can't jut go asking anyone if they're gay. It's just as complicated.


A voice made Jimin turn his head to the side.

The boy was handsome, short dark brown hair, small sharp eyes and the proud smirk on those slender lips.

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