ABBA (Gamora X Reader)

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Being raised by Yondu meant you had to be tough, plus the threat of getting eaten but you and your brother, Peter, made it through that mans "Parenting". You and Peter had been traveling space ever since you broke away from him and had managed to start a "crew" of your own.

Today the ship was parked in a loading bay due to engine issues. Being the mechanic on the ship it was your job to figure out what was wrong and fix it before the ship took off again. As you lifted the hatch to get down in the engine room you heard a noise coming from the back of the ship, you blow it off and continue lower into the ship. Grabbing your tools you get started with fixing the ship.

Now and then you hear a light thump coming from the main floor of the ship but blow it off as the ship adjusts. It only takes a few more minutes then you are finished, packing up your tools you wipe the sweat from your brow and start up the ladder. Reaching the top you slam the grate back down and turn towards your designated cabinet, grabbing clean clothes before heading to the bathroom.

As you reach the door you jump as you hear footsteps walking toward you. Grabbing the nearest object, which happened to be a random pipe that your brother had probably left around for some unknown reason, you turn around to be met with Gamora staring at you. Letting out a sigh you drop the pipe and chuckle.

"Good Gods, I thought you were a murderer."

Gamora nods her head at your statement and walks off towards the bunks on board the ship. Shaking it off you continued to the bathroom so you could shower off the sweat and oil.

When you had exited the bathroom you noticed that Gamora was still on her bunk, where she had been before you entered the bathroom.

Walking towards her you try to act comforting as you ask if she's okay.

Earning no response you take a step closer and go to put your hand on her shoulder, "Gamora... "

You're not able to finish your sentence before your hand is twisted behind your back and you're lying on the floor. This was not how you wanted your day to go.

Your face was pushed into the floor while your arms were pinned behind your back. Lying there for a second you collect your thoughts before speaking, "So how's your day going?"

It takes a minute before the pressure on your back is gone and your arm is released. Turning into your back you see Gamora standing above you and walking away.

"I didn't realize it was you."

"That's alright, no harm done. Probably just some internal bleeding."

Gamora turns to you confused but you just give her a smile, "Joking, though my face hurts."

She starts to walk away as you follow after her. Stopping only when she gets back to her bunk and turns towards you.

"What do you want?"

You shrug your shoulders as she sits down and lets out a sigh. You stand there for a second before asking, "Are you okay?"

Nodding her head she lies back down on her cot and closes her eyes, "I'm just tired."

Think for a second you go to your bunk and grab your walkman, bringing it back to her, putting in one of your cassettes and pressing play. The sound of ABBA starts playing and Gamora's eyes open to stare at you, smiling as she eases back.

"Got room for one more?"

You don't receive a verbal answer but she scoots over and you lie down with the walkman placed in between the two of you as the song ends the soft voice of Stevie Nicks starts up. You close your eyes for a minute but when you open them again you notice Gamora was passed out.

Slowly you place your hand in hers but it's slapped away as you let out a laugh.

Closing your eyes again you feel Gamora's head move to rest on your shoulder and you smile.

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