The BeeGee's (Tom Holland! Peter Parker x Reader)

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       The first thing you felt when you walked into the kitchen was the emotions. It was quiet at first but the closer you got the louder it was. The team had just gotten back from a mission in Germany and the debriefing was set to happen later since they had gotten back too early in the morning to have a proper one. 

You had only heard snippets of what happened from shield agents you’ve passed but apparently, we lost two agents on the mission. Entering the kitchen you noticed Wanda and Natasha standing next to the kitchen counter talking with coffee, both women were emitting a feeling that you had felt and dealt with many times before. It was a mixture of anger and sadness, and it seemed to be everywhere. 

Walking into the kitchen you were able to make it a few feet before you were hit with a migraine, it had to be from your power which only happened when you felt overwhelmed. You tried walking a little but were only able to take a step before you were hit with another wave of pain. 

Peter, you had to find Peter.

Normally Pete stayed in Queens but he was upstate for a while to help Tony with something. The two of you had been close since the fight with Thanos, having been blipped together but not knowing each other yet. He had become somewhat of a home to you whenever your power got the best of you and he didn’t seem to mind, in fact, his mood always changed when you arrived. 

Walking towards his room you could feel his anxiety already, but it was nothing compared to how it normally felt. After knocking on the door and hearing a soft voice respond coming in you slowly open the door and peek your head in to find Peter working on a new mechanism. Looking up he smiles as you walk into the room and close the door. 

“Hey, everything all right?” You let out a sigh as you flop onto the bed, Peter putting down the object and turning back to you.

“My amazing power is giving me migraines again. I can’t handle being out there with all the emotions right now, can I stay in here with you?”

Peter gives a sympathetic smile and nods his head while grabbing his phone, “Of course. Want me to play something?”

Agreeing Peter messes with his phone for a few seconds before the soft sounds of the BeeGee’s are coming from it. You close your eyes as you scoot over so he can lie next to you. As you both lie there soaking in each other's company you start to feel all the emotions wash away, calming you in the process. At some point, the two of you fall asleep while a different song starts playing.

Unbeknownst to the two of you, Tony enters the room hoping he could get Peters help with a new project only to be met with the sight of you two fast asleep. Tony smiles for a second before his mind registers the music.

“The BeeGee’s? Jesus, you think after hanging out with me the kid would have good taste in music but nooooo. He just had to like the BeeGee’s.” One minute later Pepper comes to get Tony out of there. 

Though you and Peter just keep sleeping, as if you’re the only two people alive and there’s no place you would rather be.

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