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the only thing that jisung could focus on was the sound of minho harshly slamming into yuna . he tried to distract himself but he couldn't as unholy pornograpic moans were leaving the room that the two love birds were making love in .

'h-harder min~' a muffled moan could be heard as the skin slapping sounds sped up .

jisung just wanted to stand up and go , but it was pouring rain and he didn't have any friends living in other dorms in their building to go to so he was just stuck listening to a girl getting fucked by his hot roommate .

'ah~' the girl moaned .

'i'm gonna cum' a low whisper could be heard following with loud girl's moans .

at that exact moment jisung just wished he had brought his airpods with him so he could listen to some music instead of them . he looked around and saw that the rain had calmed down a bit so he stepped onto the balcony since it was the only place he could go to escape the moans . jisung wiped some raindrops off of the chair with his hand before sitting down and closing his eyes , inhaling the smell of rain . he felt relaxed . after sitting and just enjoying himself for a couple of minutes , his peace was disturbed by minho loudly entering the balcony . jisung jumped a little at the sound and looked at the older who was standing there with messy hair , reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes . minho didn't even acknowledge the other before sitting down on the other chair that was next to jisung's . he slowly put a cigarette to his lips lighting it . he deeply inhaled and soon after exhaled as white smoke left his mouth . jisung was a bit confused , he didn't know if he should leave the older alone or if he should stay and try making some conversations with him . maybe he isn't that bad . the silence was getting a bit too awkward .

's-so cigarettes after sex , hm ?' out of all the things jisung could have asked , that was the question that left his mouth . lowkey he was trying to hint that he heard everything and that was the reason why he went to sit alone in wet weather on the balcony .

'more like cigarettes after a break up' he simply said , not looking at the boy , taking another drag .

'd-did y-you break up with her ?..' jisung asked carefully not wanting to get into other people business too much .


'why ?'

'we decided to part ways because we just didn't feel the spark between us anymore' he said with a straight face 'it was a goodbye kind of sex'

'o-oh ..' jisung quietly cooed . even tho he knew nothing about minho , he still felt bad because break ups suck no matter if you end it on good or bad terms .

'do you want to smoke with me ?' minho asked offering his already lit cigarette to the other . jisung felt his whole body stiffen because he never was into the cool kids activities like smoking or drinking , he just never really felt comfortable enough to do it .

'i-i d-don't .. i-i don't s-smoke' he stuttered , obviously nervous . he hung his head low , anxiously playing with his fingers .

'if you ever decide to try it , come to me' minho said slightly smirking and taking the last drag before throwing out his cigarette . 'so you're 18 right ?'

'mhm' jisung softly nodded .

'so young' he smiled . jisung was having a hard time understanding the older and what he was trying to say . maybe he just felt bad for treating me not so well so he had decided to be friends ? 'you know what happens to cute little teenagers like you around the campus right ?'

'n-no ?' jisung really didn't know . and holy shit did he just call me cute ?????

'people are sex driven here . they love fucking around with younger people , especially if their still virgins . its some kind of fucked up kink to take other people's v-cards' minho warned the boy to be more careful .

'o-oh ... what a great day to be a virgin !' he sarcastically exclaimed .

'are you ?'

'm-maybe' he felt embarrassed . what has this conversation came to ? god . a small smirk creeped on minho's face . he looked so pure and innocent in his eyes yet he just wanted to destroy the boy .

'it's getting cold , let's go back inside' minho suggested as he stood up and walked back inside with jisung following him but still keeping his distance .

it had been about a week of living together which resulted in jisung and minho warming up a bit with each other's presence as they would see each other every single morning and sometimes night , but not always because minho liked to come home late as hell which made jisung a bit curious as to where he was staying , he had an idea as a strong scent of cigarettes and alchohol could be felt from the older often so he figured that he liked partying . they would also chat from time to time , even tho it seemed like jisung wasn't completely capable of breaking a wall the older had put up between them just yet , as his answers were rather cold and short . it made him look somewhat mysterious in jisung's eyes and it made him want to get to know the other even more .

but the thing that bothered jisung the most was the amount of condom boxes minho would randomly leave all around the dorm . jisung was sure that it was completely accidental since minho was often drunk , but it annoyed him so much like the intension of it was to rub into jisung's face the fact that minho fucked hella bitches but not his gay roommate who has been head over heels for him since the day they met . he felt a really strong attraction , not any kind of attraction - but sexual attraction . but there was one thing that ruined everything . minho was straight .

a/n : happy summer break !!!! tonight i'm leaving for a vacation to croatia ,, i'm pretty excited but also not because i'll be stuck with my family for 10 whole days and my dad sometimes pisses me the fuck off . he just says stuff that .... you know ? anyway have a great night !!!!!!

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