"Th-thank y-you."

"You're welcome." I walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Izuku, hon, are you alright in there?"

"Yeah Momma. C-can you help me out to d-dry off?"

"Yes of course."

I walked in and helped him up and out of the bathtub. I wrapped one of my towels around him, and helped dry his foot so I could put the boot back on.

Once the boot was back on, he was able to stand easier. I helped him dry off then brought him to his room.

"Stay here, I'm gonna grab something for you to wear, okay?" He nodded and I left, walking to my room. I looked around and realized I didn't have anything else clean that would fit him.

Ring... RIng.. Ri-

"Hey, Inko. What's up?"

"Do you think Izuku can borrow some of Katsuki's clothes? We haven't gone shopping yet. He's just been wearing my sweatpants and shirts but it's all way too big for him."

"Oh yeah absolutely. Hold on. Katsuki!"

"What do you want, Old Hag!?"

"Grab some of your clothes for Izuku to wear, would ya?"

"Yeah hold on!"

"Grab a few pairs!"


"Thank you Mitsuki."

"Of course hon. I'll send Katsuki over with a bag of clothes. He can leave them outside the door or Izumi can meet him part way or something."

"Great , thank you so much."

"Of course. Katsuki's on his way over now, I'll talk to you later."

"Talk to you later." I walked back to Izuku's room, where he was sitting in his office chair still wrapped in his towel. "I don't have anything left in my room you can wear, Katsuki's bringing some of his clothes for you to borrow."

"Yeah, He's gonna leave them at the door for you." I heard a knock on the front door. "That must be him, hold on."
I went to the door and opened it to reveal Katsuki holding a bag of clothes.

"Hi Auntie. I threw a pair of my old shoes in there for him too. Just text me if you need anything else for him."

"Thank you, Katsuki. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. I'll see you later."

"See you later." Katsuki turned and walked away and I closed the door. I walked back into Izuku's room with the bag of clothes. "This is what Katsuki brought for you."

"Th-thank you."

After Izuku got dressed, I made him a sandwich for lunch.

"So, Izuku," I started, when he was done with his food. "We need to buy new clothes and stuff for you, do you think you'd be alright going shopping?"

"I-I think it'll be okay. Can Denki come?"

"I mean he can but I don't really know how to invite him."

"I miss Denki."

"I can try calling the Sheriff back,"

"Mic? He was staying with Mic!"

"I'm pretty sure his name was HIzashi Yamada."

"Yeah, that's him."

"Alright, I'll give him a call."

I pulled out my phone and looked through my history until I found the Sheriff.

Ring.... Ring... Ring... Ri-

"Hizashi Yamada,"

"Hi, this is Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother."

"Oh, hi!"

"Izuku was wondering if Denki would like to go shopping with us?"

"Oh, I can ask. We haven't brought him shopping yet either. We weren't sure if he would be up to it."

"I think they'll be okay as long as they're together. They're very close."

"Yeah, Let me go talk to him. Hey, Denki. Do you wanna go shopping with Izuku?... Hold on. He wants to know if his mate can come."

"That should be fine, let me check with Izuku, I don't want him to be uncomfortable." I walked back to Izuku's bedroom, where he was sitting on his bed. "Are you okay if Denki's mate comes too?"

"Y-yeah, that sh-should- I should be f-fine."

"He said that should be fine."

"Great. Denki said he'd like that."

"Great. If you send me the address, I can pick them both up."

"OK, I'll text it to you."

"Alright, see you in a bit, bye."


I got a text from Hizashi a little after we hung up. "Izuku, are you ready to go?"

"Alright. Izumi! We're going shopping, are you going over to Auntie Mitsuki's or coming with us?"

"C-can I c-come w-with you g-guys?"

"Yeah, go get in the car, okay?"

She nodded and grabbed my keys off the counter, heading out the door.

I pulled up to the address Hizashi gave me.

"Wh-where a-are we, Momma?"

"We're gonna pick up Izuku's friend and his mate."

"O-oh, ok-kay."

I got out of the car and knocked on the door. A man with long black hair and large eye bags answered the door.

"You must be Inko, I'm Shouta Aizawa. You spoke with my husband on the phone."

"Nice to meet you. Are the kids ready?"

"Yeah, hold on. Hitoshi! Denki! Mrs. Midoriya is here!"

The two boys came to the door.

"I'm Inko, you must be Hitoshi," I said, shaking hands with the purple haired boy.

"Wh-where's Izu?"

"He's in the car. He's still struggling with the crutches so he wanted to wait for you."

Aizawa handed Hitoshi a credit card. "Get him what he needs, but try not to spend too much, ok?"

"Yeah, thanks Dad."

"You're welcome. Have fun."

"We will."

"C'mon boys, Izuku and Izumi are waiting in the car."

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