10 Denki

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After talking for a little bit, Zuku fell asleep. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room, trying to remember which one was Holly's.

"Are you okay sir?" I looked up to see an alpha male looking at me and started shaking. I was letting out distressed pheromones and whimpered a bit. "Hey, I'm a nurse here, what can I do to hel-"

"Get away from my mate." I heard Toshi growl. I turned toward him and relief flooded through me.

"I was just trying to help."

"If you want to help, back away. C'mere, Denks."

I walked to Hitoshi and stood behind him gripping his arm.

"Toshi, I'm scared."

"I know Denks. I know."


"Just go. Now. Leave him alone."

"Sir if you're going to continue to be hostile, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"You're not supposed to even be here. This hallway has at least three patients that you aren't to go near."

"I'm a nurse, you can't restrict what patients I see."

"You're an Alpha, they're omegas and they have trauma related to Alphas. Did none of your superiors tell you that? No alpha nurses or doctors back here."

"You're here and you're an Alpha."

"I'm here for my mate and his friends. And up until the moment I smelled his distress pheromones, I was in the waiting room."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. "It's okay kid. It's just me. Hitoshi, is everything okay?"

"This guy isn't supposed to be back here, he's an alpha."

"So are we."

"I only came to check on Denki, because he's my mate and he was letting off distressed pheromones and you only came because you're my dad so you came after me."

"Sir, your son is being very hostile toward me. I am part of the nursing staff and this is unacceptable."

"I'm sorry for my son's behavior, however he is very protective of the people in these rooms. He came when he smelled the distress pheromones of his mate. We'll leave now, as long as you leave too. If not, My husband will have you forcibly removed from this area."

"He can't do that."

"As the county sheriff he can. Or I can just call security and tell them that you sent my son's mate into a panic attack. That's probably easier."

"Fine, whatever."

The alpha left and I was engulfed in a hug from Toshi and Aizawa. "Are you alright, Kid?"

"Mhm. I was just trying to remember which room was Holly's."

"Oh, right here. 327."

"Thank you. I gotta go see her now."

"Of course. We'll be in the waiting room."

I opened the door to room 327 to see my tiny little Holly sitting on the bed coloring. She looked up when she heard the door open. She gasped and dropped the colored pencil she was using.

"Den Den!"

"Hey Holly. Whatcha coloring?"

"It's a princess! Look!"

I walked over and sat on the chair next to the bed and looked at the picture she was showing me. "Very nice. What color and you gonna make her dress?" The princess had bright blue hair and a yellow face.

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