◇Chapter 2~ High School◇

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Molly opened the door to her son's room, peering inside his room,"Chris??", she then heard the muffled groan and walked up to the bed,"Chris, you're not hiding under the bed and moping, are you?", silence rang out.
Molly knelt down and looked under the bed, seeing her thirteen year old soon hiding under his bed,"Come on dear, High School won't be as bad as you think.", "It's High School.", Chris had been dreading this day, what High School did he get accepted into?
. . .
Phoenix Drop High.
Chris really thought the school was gonna stay closed but apparently not!
But someone just had to reopen the school and for 5 years!!
"Hey, it will be okay I promise."
Chris looked at his mom,". . . You swear?", she reached out under the bed and held out her pinky finger,"Promise.", so after thinking a little bit, Chris sighed and made a pinky promise with his mom.


He stared at the mirror.
. . .
Why couldn't they change the uniform at least?!
It looked exactly the same!
Expect what came in the mail was this arm band thing that was Dark Blue.
. . .
Weird but he put it on and he didn't know how to feel, because he wasn't a Werewolf and, he had to wear gloves to hide his hand scars and having a face mask to his his face scars-Well, most of them.
Chris jumped, in the mirror was Irene staring at him and you couldn't see her face.
"Do not feel fear, you are doing so well so do not let the past control you."
Chris shuddered, he took a deep breath and nods, grabbing his bookbag and ran out the door to catch the bus.


"Here it is again."
. . .
Chris couldn't believe the amount of students around, he fixed his bag strap and his face mask.
. . .
God- Who in their right mind bought this school?!?
But from the looks of it, it seems like Werewolves, witches and other creatures are attending so guess he can give them credit for expanding the type of students they would be taking.
Chris took a deep breath, he slipped inside and avoided the seniors, he wanted his timetable and get his school years over with!


"Chris Galway."
He was given a timetable and a locker key,"Good Luck.", Chris nods and he goes to find his homeroom and put his locker key on his keychain.
"Right. . . Homeroom E5."
From what he can remember, it was on the third floor so he headed upstairs to look for it.
"Hey, you're in my homeroom!"
He jumped, he turned and saw someone right behind him!
"Heh, sorry I was going around seeing if anyone had the same homeroom as me with no luck and I saw your schedule.", Chris didn't know how to react, the girl then smiled,"Sorry, I'm Corinne.", she held her hand out, Chris hesitated but he shook her hand,"Uh. . . Chris.", "Nice to meet ya, Chris! You seem to know were you're going, think you can help me?", Chris nods,"Yeah, I uh, got a tour a while ago.", Chris told a lie but it wasn't a big lie, what was he going to tell her he went here years ago and came back from the dead!


"Jason-. . . All three 3 Jasons."
That was a lot of people to be stuck with for who knows how long!
Corinne found it funny that her and Chris were the only people with the letter 'C' at the beginning of their name.
The teacher then began to explain that the colour arm bands that they all got were something of importance.
Basically different armbands was like a club but the group with the most points by the end of the year would win a prize.


Choosing clubs.
. . .
Chris looked around the clubs they had this year, he avoided the Werewolves as best as he could but he couldn't decide to not join a club as it states you have to do something.
School; You'll make us do projects and homework, what more do you want?!
. . .
Chris sighed, he took out his pen and he found it a bit difficult to hold his grip because of the glove but he signed up for two clubs.
One; Witch Club.
Two: Music Club.
He jumped and turned, only to relax once seeing it was just someone getting hit by a ball.
Reminded him of someone or, some people.
"Hey, Chris!"
Chris saw Corinne walk up to him,"What clubs have you signed up for?", "Uh. . . I uhm. . . Music and Magic-?", Corinne jumped up and down,"I joined the Spirit Median and Cross Country!", "CORINNE!!", both turned and saw a blonde guy with a Witch while someone in a cowboy hat was just watching the fight with most calm expression Chris had ever seen.
"I uh. . . Should probably save Andy."
So she ran off to save the blonde guy from the witch student.
. . .
This was already going to be some kind of hell and he wasn't sure if he had the mental health or sanity to deal with it.


Chris put his photocopied timetable on his locker door, he had the original copy but just in case he misplaced it.
"Oi, Mask Kid."
And here it comes.
He turned and saw a Werewolf behind him,"What's with the mask?", ". . .", Chris closed his locker and locked it, he walked away,"None of your damn business.", luckily the wolf didn't follow him, probably because of the rule of Werewolves are not allowed to fight humans.
T H A N K  G O D.
Whoever made that rule!

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