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"Mike!" Micky snapped and waved his hand in front of his face, pulling him out of whatever trance he seemed to be in.

"Micky!" Mike declared, a slight grin coming onto his face. Micky couldn't help but smile a little too.

"Come on, Mike. We're going out."

The happiness didn't last long. Mike stared at him with a concentrated frown on his face for a minute before slowly shaking his head.

"No?" Micky raised his eyebrows and sat down beside him. "Why not?"

"Why yes?" Mike looked down at his hands. The more time they spent with him, the more clear his often jumbled speech became. Micky interpreted this as Mike's way of saying: "why are we going?" He just hoped he was right. Mike would get very frustrated when they didn't understand him.

"Well, we're gonna go and talk to people, and hopefully we can book ourselves a gig," he smiled happily, but Mike kept his frown. "How does that sound?"

"," he said after a while, pulling his knees to his chest.

"No?" Micky repeated, rubbing his hand on Mike's back.

"I don't wanna go," he sighed, shaking his head.

"I thought you wanted to play," Micky frowned, thinking it over. "If you changed your mind, it's okay. Just tell me. I won't be upset."

"I want to..." Mike shook his head. "No."

"No, what?" Micky asked carefully, just hoping he wasn't making Mike too upset.

"No, it's dumb." He let out a sad laugh and ran his hands through his hair impulsively. The action became more and more desperate. Micky suddenly grabbed onto his hands, and Mike froze, a terrified look in his eyes.

"Michael," he said softly. "I'm not gonna hurt you. It's okay."

Mike nodded hesitantly, still a little frightened. Micky pulled him into a hug, and after a minute, he seemed to calm down.

"Why don't you wanna go out, Mike?" He asked, not releasing Mike from his grip.

"Scared...?" It sounded more like a question like he wasn't even sure of it himself. Micky let out a choked laugh.

"There's nothing to be scared of, babe!" Mike struggled out of the hug and looked down. Micky smiled at him and turned his head so their eyes met. "And even if there were, I won't let anything get to you. And I won't leave you. I promise."

Mike didn't answer, and Micky sighed.

"Honestly, I think you're just getting a little stir-crazy in here," he knew it was more than that. But the idea that Mike could get better is what has kept him going this whole time. He wasn't about to drop that optimism anytime soon, especially when Mike depended on them more than ever. "It might be nice to get out."

"It might not," He shook his head. Micky couldn't help but crack a smile at his attitude. That stubborn refusal to think anything different was very...him.

"Okay, well, how about we don't go out job hunting? We could do that later. What about we go just for a walk? How does that sound?"

Mike looked up at Micky, then out the window. He did this a few times, not finding the words to get his message across.

"Mike," Micky sighed. It was much harder when Mike refused to speak and still expected them, needed them, to understand.

"Is that a yes?"

"Peter and Davy," he said suddenly, staring back at him. Micky frowned.

"What about them...?"

Mike shook his head, not getting his point across.

"Peter and Davy..." he repeated. Micky, still not understanding what he was trying to say.

"...are not here right now," he finished the sentence, scooting a little closer toward him. "Mike, is something wrong? Do you need anything?"

Mike sighed and shook his head, dropping whatever hopes of proper communication he still had left. Micky looked at him sadly, wanting to help him. He sighed and stood up, Mike following him.

"Micky!" Mike cried out, and Micky closed his eyes tight, hoping not to cry.

"I'm going on a walk, Mike," he turned around, looking at Mike one last hopeful time. "I'd like you to come with me, but it's only if you want to."

Mike stared at him blankly, confused by the request. Slowly, he shook his head.

Micky sighed and nodded, putting on a smile.

"Okay," he said sadly. "Well, I'll be back in a little bit."

Mike didn't say anything. He only watched Micky's every move as he grabbed his coat and pair of keys, making his way toward the door.

"Bye, Mike," he whispered as he closed the door, now losing his hopes of Mike getting better.

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