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The king of chimera ants is a big title to hold.But with such a title, strong as fuck and all, he was literally being taught about colors and human food sources by a innocent sheltered from the cruel world mortal toddler who barely knows how dangerous it was for them to be near him, sitting criss cross apple sauce on his very lap, a emotionless blunt so called intelligent o to the p chimera ant...

"Your species are rather to dependent on these items.." Meruem's tail pierced the a random fruit, inspect the juice that seeps from that very fruit, but takes a bite out of it not long after "..this taste like crap."

You, eating some mangos, not long giggle at the curious ant "Greenie that's a lemon!"

He perks a brow, tossing that so called lemon as far away from him as possible, then watch your form with a tilt of his head "You said yellow means happiness."

"Colors and fruits are very different!" Turning to face the green ant you give him a slice of your mango "Here!It's very good and sweet!!"

He was literally thinking of not eating that mango due to his reaction to the lemon.He could just deny it and never eat fruit again.But here he was.....eating a small chunk of mango from a mortal childs hand..

"Is it good Greenie?"

He didn't say anything but took a second bite of the mango.It was not long till the mango slice goodness was all gone.So yes, he seems to like mangos.

"Your highness!" In comes a random chimera ant, soon realized he forgotten to knock, spoke "I-I'm sorry but this is very important!"

"Then tell me.Don't make me waste my time."

They gulped "Y-Yes!" not long pulls out a map, then spoke more "The so called 'Hunters' are growing and are tracking and killing each one of us off!T-This map was found in one of the fallen, it seems to be of importance my lord!!"

The king of ants huffs "Leave it where you stand, I'll see to it after I'm not busy.Begon."

That ant didn't say a word but did as told, gone as fast as he came..


She came out of the shadows, bowing to him "Yes my lord?"

"Take the map and inspect it's content.Find and kill off those are in your way."

Pitou smiles more she was before "Yes my lord." then leaves the room in speedy silence..



"Everything is going hazy.It's so heavy to keep my eyes open." The ant looks down at your form, seriousness yet the look of tiredness written into his magenta eyes "What do you call this sensation?It feels foreign to me."

Smiling you answer him, yawning a little bit yourself "Your feeling sleepy!Just take a long nap and you will feel better when you wake up!!"

He just stares at the small mortal.No words just plain on silence..

"Teach me."

You blink, confused "Teach?"

"Teach me." He repeats, now getting into a more comfortable position, his tail now wrapped around your form in a more secure yet gentle manner "Teach me this sleep you speak off."

So you did..

"I can't believe my majesty sent Pitou off on their own mission!That should have been me!!" Pouf whines like a infant, poor Youpi being the victim to his mood swings.

Youpi huffs "He is probably busy at the moment Pouf, he is our king after all-."

"He even has little (Y/N) all to himself!" Pouf mood swings were getting out of hand "My little butterfly Youpi!I'm sooo jealous!!"

Youpi didn't say anything after that.At this point Pouf was drowning in his mood swing fantasies.Not long Youpi opens a door to the throne room...

"Ah.I was right."

Pouf stops, soon giving Youpi a look of confusion "Eh?What you say Youpi??"

Youpi gently close and locks the door, his slim happy smile on his face, then tells Pouf nothing about what he saw.He completely lied to him so they don't interrupt the special moment he accidentally saw and saved.

And what he saw in that throne room?

He saw his new born king sleeping in his throne, legs dangling off the side as one of his arms became his pillow, and he saw you.His majesty held your sweet little head close to chest.His dangerous tool of death wrapped around your form like a warm welcoming blanket of protection and security.And his other arm?Since your sleeping on top of him he ensured your safety from falling off.His arm was not needed due to his tail but his big hand intertwined with your small fragile chibi ones was enough to satisfy the king to rest at ease.

"Rest peacefully my majesty."

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