Royals Choice

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Being taken to another flower field, by Pitou before she left to do something, it in your eyes was a very magical play ground.You jumped, spin, rolled down the hill, and layed down in the field to only start cloud gazing.Looking for funny shaped clouds.You were having too much fun to notice the predatory emotionless eyes on your small form.

That person was the new born king.

He didn't need to hide since he blends into the green lively environment but yet he kept his distance...which was slowly decreasing step by step as he drew closer to your clueless form.

He had not met a human yet but if you do not intrigued him, then death will come early.

"What is that thing?" The new born king asked, disgusted yet curious of who it was sleeping in the arms of one of his three royal guards.

Pitou, the only female chimera ant of the three royal guards, smile keenly "She is not a thing my king, she is a human child."

Youpi nods "Yes but unlike other humans she is very different."

Soft snores come from her form, which I did not hesitate to look for the source of the noise, to only find it to snuggle and melt in the arms of the butterfly chimera.Once a while he softly and gently as he could rub its back in a soothing manner.

"The human is defenseless.Dose she habor nen?"

"Yes and no." Pouf answered making sure to not awaken you "It is not dangerous nor good for fighting but she harbors a rare ability of nen."

You smile finding a horse shaped cloud.Not long you look over, not much sadly, to soon be staring down blank pools of purple pinkish voids.

"What are you-?"

"Did I say you could speak human?" His voice was dark and held dominance as his form did so as well.

It didn't effect you.

"My nams isn't human it's (Y/N)!" no child was so bold yet so dumb for what you did next, you put a flower crown on the chimera kings head, smiling with joy "Ah!It matches your eyes mister!!"

He didn't know what to say but stare at your form and blink..did..did you just deny his order?

Getting up you began to touch his face, forgetting he hurt the queen right in front of you, beyond amaze on how green and soft his skin was.His cheeks were very pinchable!

...why da fuck can't he control himself to kill you?What spell has you cast on him??!


Not having control he just watch you cling on like a kola onto his most known deadly weapon;His tail.

Unknown by the two the eyes of three royal guards watch.Each one amused, well, one of them was outrageously jealous.

"Those are my hugs!M I N E-!"

Youpi clasp his hand over Poufs mouth, nervously sweat dropping "Calm down. Give them some time to know each other!"

Pitou giggles to herself.She was enjoying the show.The moment she saw her king spinning around in circles, you laughing and only hold on tighter then before, has Pitou a over flowing happiness and wishes to have this as her most valuable memory yet..

"OOF!" You land on your bum but you look up at Mereurm, eyes sparkling with joy, then make grabby hands at him "Again!Again!Again!"

He stares down at your hyper form, not even understand your hand language, then sat down cross leg "No."

You whine "Is it b-because I'm heavy?"


"Oh..." you look around, trying to figure out the problem, then look back at him " you dislike the flower crown?I-I can make another-!!"

"It is not the flower crown."

Now you were clueless, and being in that state of mind, it took everyone of the royal guards will to not blow their cover by awwing at your clueless yet cute tilt of your head, your eyes reminded all of them of a lost puppy.

"Show me your nen."

You blink at him twice "Nen?"

By now the kings patience was running thin "Show me your nen or I'll kill you right here, right now-."

He stops as he felt a strong, nothing enemy related, aura surrounding him.It was oddly warm to the point he could imagine it to be this so called 'blanket' humans use to sleep in or keep away the coldness of the world.In his own mind he was never expecting this to happen for his facial expression and posture remain emotionless and ever so dominating.

"I don't know what nen is but is this okay?" Your innocence was clear as you focus more on this power of yours, the king of chimera ants more focus on the warm then your words  "It only works if I'm in mother nature, mother ant was kind enough to train me.."

When he heard 'mother ant' that warmth was gone in a blink of an eye.But did he feel weak, drained even?No.What that nen of yours did was imput strength and refresh his system.He felt more powerful.More then before..



He just stares dead at you with his dead on emotionless purple velvet eyes, taking a moment to register the new name to his memory along with the face of yours.

He sighs "(Y/N)...How would you feel if I kill you now and leave you here to bleed to your cold death?"

You give him a tilted puppy look "What dose 'kill' mean?You said that before but I don't know what that means.." he was just starring down at your form, a wolf watching their preys moves of action, you then began to tap your chin and look up at the sky adorably "Dose that word mean something really bad mister ant??"

The silence comes in with open arms as the two look at each other for the longest time, one deadly and the other innocent, they just stood.Waiting for a answer to be said..

That was when the silence was broken by your itty bitty stomach gurgling for food.

You pat your stomach in a childish manner, like of it will solve your hunger "Hold on tummy you will eat-!"

The chimera ant, the king himself, lets out a loud 'tch' as he extends his arms towards the child.Not long he picks them up, bridal style, not long finding themselves walking away from the field of flowers.His attention was looking at where he goes as the child looks around not really expecting to be carried by this chimera ant, once a while the chibi hands of the child reaching out for the swaying tail that taunts the little one to no end.

Pitou smiles more at this.Finally, the king has chosen to let her kitten live.

"M I N E-!"

The butterfly chimera was not long knocked out, the big red chimera now holding them over there shoulder.

Youpi sighs "Possessive much Pouf?"

"Seems so fufu~." Pitou giggles before landing on all fours from the top of the tree, not long walking away also "Come on!I want to see what happens next!"

As the cat chimera walks away the big red chimera follows, a unconscious butterfly on his shoulder mumbling complete nonsense.

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