Jealousy (Free x reader)

Start from the beginning

You listened to the table conversation, commenting now and then, when you suddenly perked up. Free had just entered the cafeteria, scratching his head and yawning like he'd just gotten out of bed, making you smile. "I'll be right back," you told Valt, giving him a pat on the head as you stood up. He nodded, following you with his eyes in confusion.

Taking a deep breath, you approached Free, forcing a smile to your anxious face. "Hi Free! Sleep well?" You asked, playing it casual. Free cocked his head towards you. "I guess. Unfortunately I'm still tired," He answered lazily. You nodded, maintaining your smile. "Yeah, I guessed as much," you laughed; your heartbeat beginning to quicken.

"Well, I gotta go. See you later maybe," he suddenly said, turning to leave. You blinke, unsure of what had just happened. "Wh-what? Uh, ok," you managed, quickly turning as he walked away. You felt a tinge of regret. Had you done something wrong?

All of a sudden Valt was at your side. "What was that about?" He asked, watching Free retreat to a table in the back. You sighed, folding your arms. "I...don't know," you replied, your voice heavy. Was he avoiding you? Why?

Once you had swallowed your food, you rushed to catch Free for a word, but he was already halfway down the hall. You stopped running, watching him go. It was useless to follow him. You already knew where he was going; Kris's office.

Bitterly, you turned to walk away. So that was it, then? He had no interest in you, not even as a friend? Honestly, at this point you envied Kris. She had his attention, his rapture, maybe even his love. And why wouldn't she, when she was everything (Y/n) was not?

After that, it was difficult to focus on your training. Your launches were wobbly, and the ones that weren't were off course. Frustration seethed in your brain, making you more and more upset with every launch. Finally you gave up and sat down, clenching your fists. It wasn't fair!

You were alerted to someone's presence by a cough. Tentatively, you looked up and met Shasa's eyes. She was staring at you with a no-nonsense look that clearly said, what are you doing here. You sighed. "I can't tell him," you said simply, letting your hands drop in your lap.

Shasa shook her head. "You're wrong. You're confident enough to do whatever you want, and you're perfectly capable of speaking. So I don't see what the problem is," she shrugged at you. The look in her eyes said, What are you going to do about this?

You nodded slowly, your tired mind beginning to think again. Though you were far from focusing. All you saw was Free; his sweet, lazy blue eyes, his incredibly fluffy-looking hair, the feeling of his hand on yours...wait, that never happened. You shook yourself back into reality.

Shasa suddenly spoke up. "I have an idea. Wait here," she commanded you. In an instant she was out the door. You blinked in surprise before sighing and shaking your head.

You sat there for a few minutes, waiting for her to come back. When the door opened again, you shot upright. "Shasa! Finally. Where did you disappear to—" you trailed off, freezing. It wasn't Shasa. It was Free!

"Gaaah!" You cried, shooting up to your feet. "Whoops! Heh, you're not Shasa," you laughed nervously. Free cocked his head. "Yeah," was all he said.

You gulped, feeling your face flush. "Uh, do you need something?" You managed to say, drumming your fingers on your pants. Free gave you a slow shrug. "Nah, not really. Shasa said you wanted to see me," he said quietly, his face as expressionless as ever.

You blinked as you finally caught on to Shasa's plan. "Oh...yeah. I-I did. Uh...the thing is," you scratched your neck, fumbling for words.

Somehow, you met Free's eyes. "You've been hanging out with Kris a lot," you heard yourself say. Free blinked slowly, his face not wavering. "Yeah, I have," he answered. You bit the inside of your lip before speaking again.

"You like her a lot, huh?" You asked, not expecting an answer. Free looked down at his shoes. "Yep," was all he said. Your anxiety surged. You needed to know what he thought of you, but you couldn't speak!

"Do you have a crush on Kris?!" You blurted out, for once letting your uncertainty...maybe even your panic show. Free looked at you in surprise. "Why would you ask that?" He asked, trailing off as he stared at you; trying to understand.

You sighed, balling your fists. "It's've been hanging out with her so much, and you won't even talk to me..." he broke in. "Actually, I did talk to you," he reminded you. You scoffed unintentionally. "Yeah. For like, two minutes. You hang out in Kris's office all day when you're not training and you don't look at me at all! It's driving me crazy. I need to know!" You finished, taking a deep breath.

Free just stared at you, his face strangely uncomfortable. All of a sudden you were extremely self-conscious. Had you just yelled at your crush?!

Well, what was said was said. Now you had to deal with the consequences. You felt your face growing hot; making you even more embarrassed. "Uhhh...I'm sorry," you quickly apologized, but were broken off again.

"I was in Kristina's office because I needed to talk to her...about you, (Y/n)," he responded, giving you a warm smile. Your eyes grew wide. "M-me??" You forced.

Free smiled again, releasing a small laugh. "I knew you liked me. I could tell. But I didn't want to be wrong or weird about it. I didn't know what to do, so I asked Kristina for help. She helped me a lot," he added.

"Kristina is an amazing girl. But she's amazing girl. And for some reason, whenever I think about my perfect girl...she always reminds me of you," Free finished, avoiding your eyes. Finally, he looked up at you, stepping closer to you and reaching for your hand.

"I love you, (Y/n). Do me too?" He asked, gazing into your (e/c) eyes.

You felt your entire being grow light. It was as if everything you wanted in the world was yours. And in a way, it was.

You smiled, wrapping him in a hug. "Yes! Yes, I do. I love you, Free," the words sounded even more perfect out loud.

Free smiled, taking your chin and raising it up to his face. "Aw, we can do better than that," he chuckled, and quickly kissed you. You pulled away, gasping in surprise, making Free frown. " not like it?"

You shook your head. "N-no, I liked it!" You assured him. "It just took me by surprise." The smile returned to Free's face. "Good. Because I'm going to want to do this a whole lot more," he said, leaning in and kissing you again.

This time you held it, kissing him back gently. A few seconds later you pulled away for air. You laughed a little as he pulled you in, his chin on your shoulder in a hug. "I thought you said we could do better than that."

Free just yawned.

A/N: waaaait, did I just finish something else?! No way!! Anyways, sorry this took so long, I lost motivation but I pushed through! I hope you liked it!

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