Dead Center - Hotel Escape

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for a little context, this takes place timeline wise at the same time as the temple bombing. so Ahsoka was never framed for the bombing in this timeline. why? because she was never there, she was on this random planet, which will remain unnamed. not because spoilers, but because I can't think of a name for it

Ahsoka POV

FUCK! HOW COULD THEY JUST ABANDON US!? words cannot describe how pissed off I am

Rex: those traitors!

Devil: now hold on Rex, maybe they didn't know we were alive

Rex: they still shouldn't have left us for dead!

as Devil and Rex continue arguing, I turn to Fiend, who was frozen in place

Ahsoka: hey..

he snaps his head towards me

Ahsoka: you good?

Fiend: yeah just... trying to stave off a panic attack

Ahsoka: any luck?

Fiend: well looking at your beautiful face is definitely helping

I smirk

Ahsoka: well you're welcome. so what's the plan?

I use the force to drag over the 2 Clones as Fiend explains his plan

Fiend: well, this planet is UNSC, which means there should be some outposts, bases, anything of the like. if we can find an outpost, I can try to access intel to see if any ships are still left. that's our best bet to get off this rock. but that's long term

Rex: and the short term..?

Fiend: we need guns. Ahsoka's lightsabers and my sword are effective against the horde, but if we want to remain uninfected, we need guns

Devil: for now though...

Devil grabs a fire axe

Devil: I think axing them to death will suffice

I pass Rex my shoto saber

Ahsoka: I want that back

Rex: of course, sir. green isn't really my color anyway

Fiend: ok are we all set?

Ahsoka: yep

Rex: yes

Devil: yeah

Fiend: alright, lets go

we make our way back inside the hotel. yep, overrun with more zombie shits. I ignite my lightsaber and begin slicing through them, Rex doing the same with my shoto, Fiend with his sword, and Devil with his axe. I walk around a corner, as a Zombie with a massive arm charges right at me

I feel who I assume is Fiend grab me, lift me up and pull me out of its path as it slams into the wall

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I feel who I assume is Fiend grab me, lift me up and pull me out of its path as it slams into the wall. Devil then axes it to death


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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