⠂Chapter 2⠐|Astrid|

Start from the beginning

“Blow it up, all of it, don’t let any of it get out of that storehouse,” Colonel Trophs said, his voice shockingly deep and with an aggressive snap to it.

“Is there a place at threat from the weapons?” I asked, glancing briefly at Colonel Trophs, but quickly looking away, scared to do anything to provoke him. Something about how he held himself made me immediately cautious of him.

“Tel Aviv,” Admiral Dawson responded.

“And where is the storehouse,” I asked, my eyes narrowing slightly.

The two men exchanged a look. “That’s not important right now,” Colonel Trophs said, giving me a suspicious look. He slowly scanned my face, making gooseflesh spread over my arms for a few seconds. “Is she the one who flies the modified F-35?” he asked, looking at Dawson.

“Yes, she is,” Dawson responded, glancing at me. “How’d you guess?”

Trophs shrugged, giving me another look. “Just a hunch.”

With a small pause in the conversation, I looked at the others in my squadron to find Ward and Ramos giving me questioning looks while looking between me and Trophs. I gave them a ‘how-do-you-expect-me-to-know?’ look before turning back to Dawson.

“Westly, you’re in charge of this mission,” Dawson said. Westly nods, unsurprised with this, as we all are. There was another small pause and I watched as a look came across Admiral Dawson’s face. “I realize I haven’t formally introduced this group,” he said, turning his attention to Colonel Trophs.

I caught Ramos and Taylor exchanging a subtle eye roll before facing forwards again. “If you find it necessary,” Colonel Trophs replied, seeming a bit uncomfortable, or impatient, one of the two.

“This squadron is made up of our best pilots: Lieutenant Ryan Westly; Lieutenant Andrew Taylor; Lieutenant Marcus Ward; Lieutenant Antonio Ramos; Lieutenant Austin Spencer; Lieutenant Luis Mendoza; and Lieutenant Astrid Valla.”

“I thought it was Valla-Castro,” Trophs said, his eyes locked on me. My heart did a little jump in my chest even though I had nothing to be afraid of.

Dawson stared at Trophs for a very long moment, tension building between them. “She chose to only use one of her last names,” Dawson said tightly, his knuckles turning white from gripping the arms of his chair.

“But legally her last name is Valla-Castro,” Trophs said, seeming oblivious to Admiral Dawson restraining himself from shouting at him.

“I don’t see how discussing my Lieutenant’s last name is relevant.”

Trophs glanced at Dawson and seemed to finally realize that he needed to drop the subject. “Right. Back to the mission.” They briefed us for only a few more minutes after that before finishing and excusing us.

I got up slower than the rest of my squadron, following hesitantly after them as they exited the room. “Are you sure you want all of your best pilots on this mission?” Trophs whispered, unaware that I could still hear him. The door thudded shut behind me but I stopped, straining to hear more.

“-hope that they can.” Is the only thing I could hear.

“I don’t like to rely on luck,” I heard Trophs say quietly before a chair was pushed back. I hurried to catch up with my group as they left the building, stepping out onto the expansive deck. I quickly zipped up my jacket, the frigid ocean air cooling me immediately.

“Crash, get back here, I’m not done talking to you all,” Westly said, waiting as Taylor backed up to stand next to Ward. “We’re leaving tomorrow, just after noon. We’re meeting in the briefing room for our final run-down of the mission before we’re leaving. Make sure you have everything in order before that.”

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