I'm sorry

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Shorter one because I enjoy stressing you all out. Leave comments though xoxo

"You eat like a pig." Zayn snorts when Louis comes back with another plate of food from the buffet.

"I need to have energy for tonight." He wiggles his eyebrows, earning a slap from Zayn.

"I don't need that information, gross!"

"Like you don't want to do that with Sylvia. That's even grosser."

"I have a date tonight as well actually."

Louis stops eating and smirks at Zayn.

"Spill the tea, Zee."

"I hate it when you say that."

"I hate it when you avoid the topic. Now, is it with Sylvia? Has she turned normal again?"

"Actually it's with Perrie..." Zayn looks down and blushes, staring at his sandwich.

"Sylvia's friend?" Louis gasps. "She's so nice! I ship it. Louis aproves. »

« Jesus, thanks Louis. » Zayn rolls his eyes. "I couldn't imagine going on a date with someone you don't agree with." Sarcasm dripping from the boy's voice.

"Exactly! By the way-" Louis stops talking when he hears the sound of the bell, a group of people walking out.

First there's a lady in a black pencil skirt with a matching blazer, followed by a man in suit and last- Harry.

Louis' eyes lit up immediately and he waves at Harry, mouth still full of food. Harry doesn't look up though, stares at the floor as he follows the other two people. When he passes the desk, Harry throws a small paper but he doesn't say a word.

I'm sorry


It's been over an hour that Harry and his management are sitting with Simon or at least Louis hasn't seen them leave. He doesn't manage to get any work done, his mind stuck with Harry's note. Why is he sorry? Does he regret their relationship? Is this some kind of break-up?

"You are having dinner tonight with him, Lou. Don't break your head now." Zayn says. "I can hear you think, for real."

"I just want to know why he is sorry and why his management is here. It's strange." The words have barely left Louis' mouth when Harry and the other people leave Simon's office, Harry's eyes red and swollen. He has been crying.

Nobody makes his Harry cry.

Louis wants to stand up and run over to him, but Harry faintly shakes his head, pointing at Louis to sit back down. Defeated Louis listens to him and without changing a word with Harry, the curly boy leaves the office again.

"This is strange." Zayn just looks around suspiciously.

"I want to talk to him. I literally feel sick." Louis bites his pen, something he does when he's nervous.

"Louis Tomlinson. Office. Now."

Louis looks up to see Simon leaning against his doorframe, arms crossed and an angry look, very angry look. Louis stands up and walks over there, taking place on the chair in front of Simon's desk.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, Louis. You are fired."

Louis' eyes go wide, jaw drops.

"What? You can't just fire me!" Louis shouts.

"It's not just firing you. You have been too late several times and there is clearly written that relationships on the work floor are not allowed. The company has lost Harry Styles, the face, because you couldn't keep it in your pants, so you're fired. Go to your desk, pack your stuff and I don't want to see you again."

"You can't just do that- Simon you told me I was doing a good job!"

"Nothing more, Tomlinson. Leave my office now, clean your desk and don't come back."

"You're a fucker." Louis spits at Simon. "I'm glad I'm not working for a snake fake ass bitch boss anymore. Fuck off." Louis stands up and slams the door of Simon's office shut. He walks to his desk, takes a plastic bag from one of the drawers and just throws everything in.

"Lou, what are you doing?"

"Packing my stuff. I'm fired."

"You're what?"

"Fired, Zayn. Kicked out, jobless, whatever you want to call it." Louis is so fucking pissed. "If this is what Harry is sorry for- God I am fucking furious. We've been together for a day. Did he fucking tell his management? Literally my boyfriend and my job in one day." Louis kicks against the desk because why not, it's not his anymore.

"Jesus, Lou- I don't know, can I do something."

Louis shakes his head, plastic bag with all his stuff in his hand.

"No. It's alright, I'll call you later. I first need to talk to Harry because right now I'm fucking pissed at him and I have a billion questions.

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