As long as Louis is happy, Harry is as well.

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Hey guys, feel free to comment, it makes my day xoxo

"How do I look?" Louis asks Zayn and Liam, who apparently are living in his flat because whether Louis is there or not, they are.

"Your ass looks nice in those jeans." Liam says.

"Louis' ass always looks nice." Zayn corrects him. "He just has a big ass."

"When the two of you are done arguing about my ass, a bit more help please. Do you think this is appropriate for my date?" Louis moves from the living room back to his bedroom, checking himself out in the mirror. He's wearing black tight jeans, a maroon shirt that shows his collarbones and his hair is swiped to the side, styled but looking nonchalant.

"Harry will swoon when he sees you." Zayn comforts his best friend. "He even does when he walks past you in the office and you look like a dead plant."

"Jesus, thanks Zayn." Louis rolls his eyes. "I just want- this needs to be perfect." Louis sighs.

"And it will be." Liam smiles. "You'll be alright, Lou."

"But I really like him and I know I haven't heard from Taylor but – I'm still feeling like I'm putting my friendship on the line but I also feel like, it's worth it."

"Because it is." Zayn nods. "Look, Harry has been moving mountains for you and I know Taylor has helped you a lot as well but doesn't it feel like lately it's only a one-way ticket?"

"Hmm..." Louis nods. "Yeah, she's been acting strange. I also don't know if I can forgive her what she did to Harry. I mean, I'm her best friend, I'm gay and then she agrees to closet someone. It sickens me."

The conversation gets interrupted by a knock on the door. Louis looks on his phone, 10 to 8. That's too early to be Harry. Harry's never early. But when Louis opens the door, his eyes are met with a green pair.

"Hi..." Harry has a shy smile on his face. "I'm sorry I'm early. I just- I couldn't wait to see you again I guess."

"Date hasn't even started and you're a sap already." Louis teases. "Let me just grab my stuff and I'm ready." Louis quickly runs inside, grabs his phone and keys and says goodbye to his friends.

"I want the two of you out when I'm back, got it?" he says.

"Ooh, is Tommo planning to bring someone home?" Zayn teases.

"I'm serious, Zayn. Please?"

"Of course." Liam nods. "We'll go. Good luck mate and enjoy your evening with your dream prince."

Louis doesn't really react to that, just blushes a bit more and then he walks back to the hallway where Harry is waiting.

"So, I was thinking that we could go by car and walk back?" Harry suggests as they are in front of his black SUV.

"Sounds great, H." Harry opens the door like a real gentleman and Louis has to control his hormones, ignoring the thoughts of grabbing Harry by his collar and kiss him. They are going to take this slow, as it should, so there won't be any misunderstandings anymore.

"So where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"Harry, no don't start with me like that." Louis whines. "You know how I hate surprises."

"I also know how excited you are once you know the surprise."

"Are you going to be a bully during the whole evening?"

"I might consider that." Harry teases, making Louis slap him playfully.

"I want to tell you my side of the story as well." Louis says then, air turning more serious. "But not tonight, tonight I just want to enjoy having you around, and us becoming even closer." He hesitantly takes Harry's hand, making the younger boy smile from ear to ear. Harry intertwines their fingers and rests his head on Louis' shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're here."


"You brought me to a pub?" Louis' voice sounds surprised but amused at the same time. He has never been to this part of LA, yet it's not that far from his place.

"Do you remember that I always talked to you about this bar where nobody really cares who I am, there's no paparazzi and stuff?"

"Yeah, yeah you promised me to take me there one time but it never happened."

"So I'm keeping my promise tonight." Harry smiles, it makes Louis' heart swell. "Let's go."

The two of them enter the place, Louis' hand resting in Harry's.

"Mitch, your favorite costumer is here!" Harry yells happily when he enters the place. A guy with long, dark hair appears behind the bar and he grins at Harry.

"Good to have you back, see that you finally have your boyfriend with you. Louis, right?"

"Hi, yeah I'm Louis. Harry has told me many nice things about this place." Louis is a bit nervous, taken aback from the boyfriend comment that he decides to ignore.

"Harry has told me even more nice things about you, I'm sure." The man laughs. "I kept a table for the two of you in the back, H. Call me when you know what to order."

"Oh my god, so many different burgers!" Louis squeaks when he opens the menu. "And snacks, they have chicken wings, chicken nuggets, cheeseballs! Harry this is the greasy food heaven!" Louis is excited, almost a child on Christmas.

"I knew that I didn't have to take you somewhere fancy." Harry chuckles. "If you want we can start off with some snacks and order the burger later? We have all night."

"A boy that knows my stomach, you are a true dream Harry Styles. Let's call your friend over then. Can I order the snacks for us both?"

"Of course, Lou." And Harry shakes his head fondly as Louis orders every single snack with chicken in and the spring rolls as well, because Harry loves spring rolls.

"Are we going to kiss later or can I dip this chip in garlic sauce?" Louis says, mouth full of food. Really, Harry adores him for it. Harry is about to answer but Louis already answers himself.

"I have peppermints with me, never mind." Louis dips the chip in the sauce and Harry can only laugh.

"Are you having fun?" He asks, a bit insecure. Louis is happy when there is food, that's a fact, but is he also happy that he's with Harry?

Louis puts his burger down and moves over next to Harry in the booth instead of in front of him.

"I'm having the best time. I'm sorry I'm like this- you know eat crazy and stuff. It's just that- It means that I'm comfortable with you, like I have always been."

"I'm glad you are." Harry whispers. "Now keep eating you monster."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Before Louis goes over to his place again, he steals a hand full of fries from Harry's plate. Harry hates it when someone steals his food, but the boy already has stolen his heart as well so whatever. As long as Louis is happy, Harry is as well.

How do you feel about the first part of the date?

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