Chapter 8

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I woke up did my normal morning routine and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Heyyy look who's awake!" My dad said while eating. I saw a plate of some eggs and bacon across from him. "Come and eat" I made my way and sat down and started eating.
"So, now I know you like the boy and I know you're going to hate this but I'm going to have to see he's friends."
I paused "What?! No dad you can't, remember what happened last time?"
"I know y/n but I need to know if his friends, because what if their a bad influence on him? Then they get to you?" I sighed at what he just said.
I mean might as well? "Fine." I answered back.

We left the on the way to the sandlot.

I walked through gate and was standing at the entrance while my dad was still hidden.
"Y/n you are here! Took you long enough!" Ham
Said while the guys turned to look us, my eyes met bennys. "Yeah I'm here! And I brought a very special guest." I smiled "is it Wendy!" Squints asked.
"No it's someone better." I grabbed my dads hand and pulled him next to me. They all stood there in shock except Benny, he smiled and laughed at their reaction. "Hello boys!" My dad waved.
"THE BABE?" Everyone except Benny yelled.

My dad walked towards them and shook all their hands while they were telling him how much of a big fans they are while they also all gave their names. Until he got to Benny "hello again Benny" "hello sir"
They all looked at each other confused.
"Wait wait wait....Benny you know the BABE? And y/n ! How long have you known the babe?" Smalls asked "I've known him my whole life ! He's my dad guys." Their. Mouths. Dropped.
"Woah woah woah YOUR DAD IS THE BABE? " yeah-yeah yelled. "Hold on yeah Benny how do you know ?" "I met him two days ago I think ? But I never told you guys because y/n didn't want anyone knowing." Benny looked at me and smiled.

"Enough talking and fan girling let's play some ball." They all agreed in excitement.


"Okay The old man is tired!" My dad said while he went to sit down under the shade. It was a really fun game we all joked around and it felt right I know they are all really good friends.
"So you think you can teach some tricks some day sir?" Bretman asked. "If your up for a push then ye-" we heard bikes. Shit. We all forgot our game with Philip we got caught up on playing. And my dad is here. Fuck.
"Shit shit shit" i mumbled Benny saw me panicking. He lightly rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. "I'll handle this. Don't worry." I was going to say something until Phillip stopped me from saying it.

"Hey fart faces ! Did you guys get scared and knew you'll loose or what? Or did Benny boy say you guys aren't good enough?" Phillip said "go away Phillip" Benny said while gripping the bat. "Just say it Rodriguez. Your group are losers!" Phillip said while looking at all of us until he looked at me and who was sitting under the shade looking at him in the eyes. "Is that the babe?!" One of He's teammates said. "Woah I'm huge fan and-" Phillip was saying until my dad cut him off "no fan of mine should be treating other people like that. Now. I heard something about a game happening. Lets reschedule it. Tomorrow. 12pm sharp. "  "YEAH COME ON LETS GO!" We all yelled Phillip didn't know what to say to that response "but-"  
"Grate ! See you all tomorrow." My dad said smiling while they still sat there on their bikes " well what are you waiting for? Go! We will kick your butt tomorrow!!" Ham said while they all biked away.

We all jumped up im excitement. Benny held my hand the whole time while we were cheering on each and my dad.
"Can't believe that just happened we are so going to win tomorrow!" Squints said. "Will you be there sir?" Benny asked "of course I am! I'll be cheering you guys on! "
After a while we played two more games and we all talked while my dad was talking about the places his been and funny stories. The whole time I was tired while I sat next to Benny resting my head on his shoulders while he played with my fingers. Sometimes yeah-yeah looked but I didn't really pay attention to that.

"Okay the old man has to be heading home now. I'll see you guys tomorrow. " my dad shook their hands goodbye while I was going home too since it was dark out and the only light we had was the moon and the street lights. We all left the sandlot ready to rest after we used all our energy today.
I slowed my walking down so I can be side by side with benny . "Today was so fun! I cannot wait for tomorrow!" Benny said. "Me too! " I smiled at him.
"Are you going to play with us ?"
"Um no I don't think so. I want you guys to beat them" . We made it to my house my dad said goodbye to Benny and went inside.

"I'm proud of you. " Benny said
"Of what?" I didn't really know what he was talking about. "Of bringing your dad! I know you were scared of how the guys might treat you after but trust me they like you, they think you're cool with or without your dad being the babe." I think I just fell even more for him. "It wasn't a choice but I'm happy I let it happen it's like a weight off my chest." I let out a sigh of relief. "I better let you go.." Benny said while staring into my eyes  "yeah I should let you go too.."
I felt his hand slightly touching mine until I made them fully touch while he now he had the constant of holding both my hands. We both looked at our hands.

"I like this feeling" Benny said "me too" I rested my forehead on his while we both looked at our hands.
We both looked up. Our faces inches away from each other. I can feel his breath slightly on my lips. "Y/n?"
"Yes" "can I kis-" he was interrupted "oh come on how long does it take to say goodbye!!" My dad yelled out the window upstairs looking down at us. We took a big step back awkwardly looking around.
"Right. Bye y/n see you tomorrow." Benny said while scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah see you Benny" we awkwardly smiled as I made my way inside.

"DAD YOURE SO DEAD." I read upstairs and saw him at the end of the hallway laughing.
"You should've seen your guy's FACE!" He couldn't stop laughing which made me laugh. The laughing calmed down and he hugged me while saying goodnight and kissed the top of my head. "Goodnight dad see you in the morning!"


But I promise more chapters are coming 🫶🏽
I love you guys 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤍🤍🤍🤍

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