Chapter 7

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They all nodded, Benny was up to bat. We all went to our spots but then something stopped us...

We all heard Nike coming our way

"Phillip" ham lightly said "who?" I asked confused.

The bikes got closer and closer until they stopped leaving some dirt flying up because of how hard they stopped. I coughed as I waved my hand to get the dirt away to his face. The boy with a blue cap on with a red and white jacket I noticed he's friends were right beside him too.
I watched as Benny harshly picked up the bat and walked over to the group of boys.

"It's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects and a fat kid, Rodriguez" the boy they call Phillip said.
I was shocked at what he said until he looked at me a winked benny noticed and rolled his eyes. "Shut your mouth Phillip" benny said back "what'd you say, crap face ?" Ham said to Phillip.
"I said you shouldn't even be allowed to touch a baseball.Except for Rodriguez, you're all an insult to the game. I don't about the chick though " he looked and smiled at me as I just looked away.

"Come on! We'll take you on right here, right now!"
Ham yelled "Come on!" They all yelled. " We play on a real diamond, Porter.You ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats." Watch it, jerk !" Ham snapped "Shut up, idiot!" I could tell Ham and Phillip were going to go at it.

"Moron!" Ham starting it
"Scab eater!"
"Butt sniffer"
"Pus licker"
"Fart sniffer!"
"Ahh" Bertram acting like he was smelling. it it was hard it keep my laugh in.
"You eat dog crap for breakfast, geek!"
"You mix your Wheaties with your mama's toe jam!"
"YEAH" they all yelled
" you bib for apple in the toilet and you like it!"
I decided to try and call it quits "okay guys st-"
"YOU PLAY BALL LIKE A GIRL!" Ham yelled as he interrupted me we were all in shock but also laughing.
" what'd you say?" Phillip was offended
"You heard me "
"Tomorrow. Noon. Our field. Be there, Buffalo-butt breath."
"Count on it, pee-drinking crap face !"
Phillip scoffed as him and his friends/team biked away.

The boys were pushing Ham around hyping him up as Benny still stood at the same spot so I walked beside him. "Does that always happen?" I asked as I looked at him. "Mm sometimes it never went that far obviously " he lightly laughed as I chuckled "well all I know is that you guys are going to win tomorrow." "I hope so-"
"Y/N, BENNY come on let's play "
We nodded and played the rest of our game.

HOURS went by and we finally finished everyone went home but Benny walked me home since he lived the closest to me out of everyone. We were two houses away from my house. While we walked shoulders to shoulder our hands slightly touched as we quickly looked at me other both of us were blushing .
"Um sorry I didn't mean t-" "no no I'm sorry I was waking to close" Benny said nervously.

We made it to me house while there a awkward silence I broke it . " um thanks for walking home I really appreciate it!" I smiled " yeah no problem..see you tomorrow, goodnight!" "Goodnight!" I hugged him of course it had to short but I wanted to hug him more longer his body was warm he was tense but calmed down I heard his heartbeat slow down as he finally hugged me back hugging tighter. It was time to let go sadly I let go we looked at each other "I should go in" I broke the silence "yeah see you" he said as he smiled while walking the steps going to the slide walk.

I made my way inside as I saw Benny leave as he waited for me to get inside safely.
I Walked to my room until my dad stopped me standing in front of me. "You like him don't you?" He asked I was a little startled he even asked that question. " dad ! " "well do you?" "Yes I do!" I finally confessed . "Okay" he walked away as I stood there confused but I just walked to my room when he stepped out of my way .
A/N :

How's you guys like my comeback to this story🤨?
sorry it took two weeks I was just lazy 😩 jk i got hit by a car then my grandma got cancer😰!!!
But anyways love you guys and make sure to eat and drink water <333

(Also peep #1 bae in the picture 🤞🏽)

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